High Showerthoughts, with JtheFool

Serving Recommendations: Must be written/posted while high. No politics or arguments. No debates or points. Logic optional. Random rants and sweet memes only.
I will not critique, refute, defend, or speculate upon anything you write without invitation.
But I will read it. <_>


Outta likes.

My favorite concert movie ever!

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If people from poland are called poles, why arent people from holland called holes?


is like
an analogyā€¦


Windmills Eat the wind


Itā€™s a Quihoaxte


One more feather for @Foreigners hat.


A quill. Call it a quill. It gives me the illusion of class.


Why do fishermen on shore cast out, and boat fishermen cast to the shore.


You know what blows my mind to think about? There are things that exist and were created that no one invented. There are technologies and breaktrhoughs, like in any video game progression which are linear, inevitable, inseperable rote work from the physical facts themselves.
Ultron levels of inevitable.
Gravity and its constants turn variables into fixed data sets, turn rocks into wheels all on their own. From wheels, gears naturally arise. From gears, mechanization naturally arises. From the toggling of possible states, running or not, Binary is found all on its own.
The car is as inevitable as mostly hairless hominids. As every unannounced discovery of a Antikythera type device.
Itā€™s not just the little fundamentals, either. We keep finding the Pythagorean theorum further and further back than Pythagoreus. In Mesopatamian. In Cuniform! As early as recorded writing, we see math, and even before that we see the evidence of machiningā€¦ from the mirror polished granite of the pyramids to Pumu Punku.
To count, to enumerateā€¦ and every logical extension, unfolding the same dozens and dozens of times over thousands and thousands of years! Because hominids have fingers. Because survival makes knowing about your resources important.
And I think about that. I think about what it means for something to beā€¦ Information. For it to exist independent of medium itself. Out there, like Platonic Idealism. ā€¦Idealized.
I mean, I can wave to you or write down ā€œHelloā€ or say it out loudā€¦ but we understand that the meaning of ā€œHelloā€ is not sound waves, not ink, not hand wiggles. It is expressed by these mediums. It is not contained by or made of them. There is no one to whom these ideas ā€˜Belongā€™. There is no concept of a single author. It churns with the rest. Itā€™s not just Millenials who mistakenly believe they ā€œinventedā€ it or had some idea. :rofl: Misnomer. Even if you are its present medium, itā€™s not really ā€œyourā€ idea.
And I think about playing Minecraft. I once built a three arm bandit on a server, a whole working casino with no pluginsā€¦ just redstone and command block. Just to see if I could, you know? Made my own ā€œcomputersā€ that way. Built up. Tore down. Built up.
You reach certain levels of complexity and you begin to understand that these little kludges at the start add up, that your procession forward is only as good as the foundational work is stableā€¦ and so you either kludge the mess all the way up and make debugging the problem impossibleā€¦ or you undo it back down to your mistakeā€¦ like pulling crochet rows over one missed stitch, because you know itā€™s going to fuck the shape of the thing up in aggregate.
So much work. So many hours for a game I donā€™t even really play anymore. So many times I got so far just to restart again from scratch. I came to accept it because it wasnā€™t from scratch. On the map, maybe. Not in me. Every time I knew how to start itā€¦ and it was a little more rote, ingrained, easyā€¦
I think of all the people living through weak cowardly men and the hard times they bring. Thinking this is it. Thinking that if this society, if this kingdom, if this regime fallsā€¦ if this present history is lostā€¦ if the comfortable and familiar fall away, as it was when you were youngā€¦ My god, itā€™s all over!
And I laugh. I laugh because I know later, with time, with perspective, with another lap around, itā€™s a joke to hang your peace on the hook of a moving vehicleā€¦ and I know that no matter what happens in this life,
youā€™ve got to know where your towel isā€¦ :upside_down_face:


not sure about the boats but on the shore the only way to get to the water is to cast toward it. if youā€™re trying to catch fish that isā€¦


You youngins think weā€™re just old boomers or Karens or something if we complain about service, because somehow Customer Service is no longer recognized as THEE primary service. But, it is.
You think weā€™re petty if we want a world where merit is praised and a lack of effort is called out, while at the same time feeling like some kind of unrecognized unperformed talent.
You think itā€™s just picky if we care about your quality and effort when you do not. You think youā€™re just some unseen genius entirely deserving of unreceived worship, perhapsā€¦ however such a thing comes aboutā€¦ just an Influencer that no one has offered to buy yetā€¦
Stuck here in this gig youā€™re obviously too good for, right? Just peddling heartless corporate wares and cynically counting money is all Big Business cares about. They donā€™t understand that youā€™re the first person to ever have passions and dreams. So, you perform the job heartlessly, with cynicism and minimal application, while you take their money.
You think weā€™re mean if we tell you, no, in fact your work is not at all meaningless and you have a far reaching impact upon othersā€¦ if we suggest that you are in fact deeply integrally meaningful.
Especially those of you in the food service industry. Youā€™re in control of peopleā€™s diets. You choose what they do or do not eat, how well they eat. For some, you will be the only human interaction or sustenance they receive for an otherwise harrowing day; the one good oasis of relief. Whether they are healthy or sick, as much as any doctor, is in your hands. You need to recognize the power and impact you have. You need to wield it with care, recognizing that itā€™s not a trivial position. Itā€™s a powerful one.
You need, if you truly believe that you matter, to act like it. You need to perform these tasks with awareness that they are meaningful and effect others, that everything you do impacts the world around youā€¦ that we are connected. You need to make a habit of remembering the worth of a job well done. And you need to remember to put the sauce
in the fucking bag. :man_shrugging:


When youā€™re hourly, a job well done is worth the same as a job done to the minimum standard. Now tell us to work for the job we want, and not the one we have :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Companies donā€™t give a shit, and customers are assholesā€¦ Iā€™ll take my paycheck please, and spend my time, money, and energy on things that bring me joy.
Donā€™t worry, folks can still talk to the managerā€¦he/sheā€™ll join us in talking shit after they leave.


Hereā€™s my rant:

I donā€™t know if itā€™s still a term used. but hipsters are a group of specific people. but hipsters could be widely accepted as *fanny packs, stay with me hereā€¦ Hipsters (the group of people) could be called Fannies (or asses), and fanny packs could be a group/pack of asses aka hipsters. and the fanny packs storage containers = hipsters.

so hipsters the people = fannies/fanny packs
fanny packs the storage devices = hipsters.

makes sense to meā€¦


If Other Human Beings have to have a monetary reward on them to have value to you,
for it to matter to you that you can make their days better or worse,
if a job done well has no value of its own for you,
my only request is that you please leave the field of customer service. :smile:
And leave the job to someone
who will put my sauce
in the fucking bag. :man_shrugging:

They get paid shit and you get what you pay for.


A person will eventually do the same quality and quantity of work, regardless of what they are paid.

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Youā€™d have better luck I think going to places that donā€™t put food in bags, but I fully appreciate your sentiments here, great thread haha

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Itā€™s pretty sexist how Peter Dinklage keeps getting typecast in roles as a dwarfā€¦