Gonna call this one, the Ben Johnson of hot dogsā€¦ Pork Tenderloin, Mustard Bbq sauce, thyme etc and a Layer of Salami. 100% 1st attempt, it just happened


OOOHH!!! @MissinBissin are you rolling that up and baking it? If so please post-updates!


Will Do, its festering in the fridge for a bit. The Salami excess from the weekend set this in motion. Thanks @Pigeonman


Lol, canā€™t really call that a hot dog :rofl: Does look interesting though, looking forward the finished pic.


There is no such thing as a ā€œSalami excessā€.


Do you guys remember the ketchup commercial where the guy takes the elevator to the top of his apartment building and puts a uncapped bottle of ketchup on the edge of the roof, then he goes all the way back down and buys a hotdog at the stand out front, and declines the vendors offer of condiments becauseā€¦the ketchup finally drips down out of the bottle. And in my re-memory he catches the 'chup with the dog? Possibly behind his back? From the roof?

I distrust ketchup for the sole reason they make it hard to apply, and then try and make you feel like a dumbass for not living in an apartment building, ā€œtap it on the neck, 57 degree angleā€ if you want to put ketchup on a hot dog.

Even their squeeze bottles require so much pressure that when it finally fucking breaches its a stupid amount of ketchup you only wanted a little bit of.

Hotdogs are cool with ketchup. Itā€™s ketchup thatā€™s got the problem.


I just started having to drive 2 round trips a day 3 days a week (80 miles a day) and our back roads get BAD in winterā€¦Weā€™ve been are with no snow and good roads-- but THAT is supposed to change tonightā€¦ And I canā€™t see well in the dark, especially when it snows!

(I am the only one able to drive in the family at this time, She just got a doctors clearance to get her learners permitā€¦ and sheā€™s buying her own car soonā€¦ but what Mom wants their 1st-time-driver kid driving alone at night in the snow??)

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With ya there!
I wanted to open a food truck (used to help run one, got so popular they built us a full service kitchen inside their convenience store!)
I wanted to do just Pulled Pork, Sloppy Joes, Hotdogs, and my infamous mac-n-cheeseā€¦
Comes in 3 cheese, bacon, and bacon with jalapenoā€¦you can have it creamy styleā€“or deep fried on a stick! The next time I make it, Iā€™ll have to post it in 'what do stoners eat"!?


Hell yeah!!! With Jalapeno cheese sauce!!!


@CADMAN :rofl: Great Picture.

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I couldnā€™t help it. Salami excess = Weekend birthday party & Charcuterie madnessā€¦ This package got stowed away for this


Point being (I forgot) excellent penmanship @CADMAN right tool for the write job :clap:


Ya know that post I made up near the top of the page about the original Coney recipe being from Jackson MI and my MOM having the ONLY copy of the original recipe?
Sheā€™s sending it to me!
I told her about this postā€¦ ( NOT that itā€™s a {gasp} marijuana group- sheā€™d have kittens!)
Gonna see if I can get all the ingredients-- she said 2 of the spices are no longer on the market-- but her and Dad donā€™t do the internet that well!
Problem isā€¦ the recipe uses 20 lbs of meat-- itā€™s a HUGE batchā€¦ but it CAN be cannedā€¦or frozen! :yum:


Then along comes that guy and blows everything else out of the waterā€¦ impressed! @MissinBissin

And here I was thinking Iā€™d mention something differentā€¦ love these things.


Then i dropped itā€¦ ate it anyway.


FYI it turned out to be a great tasting option. And Yes, I will do a couple things differently that can only guarantee more flavour.

Next time Iā€™ll sear the tenderloin first and let it Cool. THEN apply Mustard BBQ sauce and let it marinade (fester) for a couple hours

The Salami is much tougher than Proscuito and it works way better. Iā€™m going to try cutting Salami like Bacon for next attemptā€¦ but it will still be the goto wrap.

Oven @375. We checked it after 30 min, it was wrapped in Foil. Inspected it, and it went back in, still wrapped 15 min.

45 total so far. The tinfoil was now opened for 15 min to expose the Meat in the oven and the inner temp hit 135F. At this point it went under the Broiler for 5 to finish it.

Tented for 5-7 min and then sliced

145F is the temp to target. Searing the Pork earlier will make a big diffā€¦

Well worth the experiment, still going to try cutting the salami lengthwise, next-time

Thanks for the comments Gang





Lol Good Morning @Pigeonman !!!

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Well hello there!! :hot_face: youā€™re giving me the meat sweats!