How do I deter slugs and snails without using chemicals?

Copper strips that extend an inch or more below and above the soil line will keep out slugs and snails. The copper band generates an electrical charge that is large enough to deter slugs.

Make sure you inspect perimeters daily, remove any leaves or branches over the copper band as snails and slugs will use this material for a bridge to cross the copper.

Please note copper bands have sharp edges, you can prevent accidents to children or pets by simply folding the visible edge with a pair of pliers.

If you have problems obtaining copper strips then try this method contributed by: Sterling

Take a few inches of copper wire out of an electrical flex. Twist this around your finger so it forms a coil of 2/3 turns.

Pull it apart slightly so the threads are overlapped and tangled to form a more complete barrier.

Place this around the bottom of the main stem leaving plenty of space for growth.


Wonder if they have to touch the ground to fonction… icon_e_confused|nullxnull :snail:


Put beer in a bowl


Get some Regular Sand, pour you a 5 - 6" Strip all around the Grow Container. Snails/Slugs won’t crawl over, it gets embedded in their mucus and literally suffocates them (ever see Slugs on the Beach?). Also, Spray Bottle, 1/2 Vinegar, a couple drops of Dish Detergent, the rest Water, shake well. Spray if you see 'em, you’ll see them “give up the Ghost”, won’t harm plants, grass, etc. We deal with Slugs here in Northern Maine a lot. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Kill one. Put its head on a toothpick as a warning to the others.


A very old turtle is crossing the road when he’s mugged by two punk snails.The cops show up and they ask the turtle what happened and give a description. The turtle replies, “I don’t know,I didn’t get a real good look,it all happened so fast.”