How do you deal with ants?

no , it would be a concentrate you get online… I dont think you can find termiticides pre mixed like that… stuff like home defense and spectracide in pre mix form is usually a weaker ratio and has less knockdown and residual effect… These pre mix products are repellent base as well… Thats NOT what you want for ants… Any chemical name that has “thrin” at the last of its spelling is a repellent… like bifenthrin , cyfluthrin , cypermethrin , permethrin , etc… a chemical name without it is more than likely a non repellent…


I have read were dried molasses helps. It won’t kill them. But the sulfur will drive them out. Anything with ammonia will kill them dead. Sometimes you have to break the scent trails.

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Listen to this man… all true. We put a boundary around the house and using a dry squeeze bottle full of borac acid, we squeeze it into crevices around the home where ant’s hide.
Terro Ant Bait: OMG it pays to read. I thought it was ant killer first time I ever bought it… ants kept coming out from behind a large bathroom mirror… so, putting on my finger I put it all the way around the frame… woke up with Ants all over the edge of the mirror… aaahhhhhh. read the directions, head slap moment… yeah yeah, keep laughing… I would… too funny

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Diatomaceous Earth… This what worked like a charm for me. I still see ants here and there but not like early in the season when they were trying to bring thier aphid colones in. Ants are facinating to watch and I could actually see larger ants being bosses to a smaller species of ant. The smaller species were carrying ant larvae and also aphids while the larger ants were overseeing everything.
But then I mixed up some diatomaceous earth spray and doused the greenhouse floor front to back and wall to wall. I sprayed the pots and soil surfaces too.
Ants have been of no concern since.
Totally natural and it works.


I used borax+sugar to bait ants in my kitchen that were living in the walls. After convincing my partner to stop cleaning up the ants when she’d see them, we killed the queen (presumably) and we stopped seeing ants. Basically they have to bring back the food to the colony and feed it to important members of the colony, like the queen. The recipe calls for something like, 1.5Tbsp borax per 12 Oz of water, plus 1.5 cups of plain white sugar. You either soak some cotton balls, or paper towels with that liquid, and leave it around near where the ants are. You don’t end up adding anywhere near the full amount of borax to your system as most of the liquid goes uneaten by the ants. And I’m fairly sure some tomato farmers add borax directly to their soil as an amendment when their boron is low. If you’ve got a soil test and wanted to run some math, you could figure out how much your ppm would change if ALL the boron ended up in the soil. Hell, there’s probably someone out there that’s already got a decent estimate per Tbsp borax added.

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