Trying to Identify another Defeciency

Hey guys,

Im back. Its been a month so far into my outdoor grow and Ive noticed a few leaves that looks like this. I dont know if its nitrogen, nute burn, or heat. I feed it decent amount of nitrogen and I try to be modest with feeding schedule. So I really dont know. Can you guys help me identify t

his problem ?

Looks like nute burn back off on the strength of ur mixture a bit start with half the recommended strength

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How have your temp’s and humidity been? That could be from the plant respirating.

I’m in south Florida so the temp and humidity has been pretty high this summer.

And with the nutes . I guess I’ll try to scale down and monitor closely .

Start with the basics. Most problems are usually from soil.

What kind of soil are you using, I’ve noticed that some soil mixes are already fortified with a time release fertilizer, or some are already rich enough out of the bag.

Genetics are important, autos do not like to be heavily fed. I cant tell what species just by looking.

Soils high in organic matter lower your requirement for N, they need to be adjusted accordingly.

But make your observations, first then try to match it to the trouble charts that are available everywhere.

I see: Darker green color leaves with slight edge or tip burn, some rust and discoloration from the edge inwards. Some tip twist.


I live and grow in very SoFla.
I have never had a problem with the heat.
Occasionally I battle PM or bud blight (rot or mold)…botrytis.
However, SoFla’s climate is way easier than the NE US in fighting those two afflictions.

I am able to enjoy three outdoor crops a year in wonderful SoFla…(mostly pure sativas, only two crops per year though!)

Anyway, this is to say that I don’t think that your plant’s problems are heat related.
I can’t tell from the pics, but are they in containers or in the ground?

Good luck!

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Hey thanks for your feedback . They are in 7 gal smart pots .

Those containers will work great.
Once you iron out your problem, you should enjoy some whoppers in that climate!
It is only late June…they will get quite large in that sun!

What is your “soil” and what fertilizer are you using?

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I use fox farm . A little fish fert . And genera hydro nute line . Got some micro amended in there with some root enhancements.

My understanding is that some Fox Farm soil can be fairly “hot” or loaded with nutrients.
I have never used any Fox Farm product so I have zero experience with it.
Maybe use less ferts…or…
SoFla tap water tends to be quite alkaline.
Typically, the addition of fertilizer should lower the ph into the acceptable range.
You should test your nutrient solution to ascertain ph.
It does not look like N burn to me.
But something is off.
Try foliar feeding and give your plant ph adjusted water ONLY when needed.
DO NOT Overwater!
Good luck

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Thanks for the advice ,

So what soil and fert you use ?

I have been using ProMix for about twenty years now, amended with additional perlite and vermiculite. I also add powdered dolomite lime.
I like Jack’s Classic’s line of fertilizers.
I used Jack’s Dynamic Duo for a long time, and for the past three or four years, I have used Jack’s Citrus FeED exclusively.
I do not believe in cannabis specific fertilizers.

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Do you check your ph when feeding and watering ?

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Yes I check my water ph every time before feeding and adjust accordingly, but I don’t check my soil ph .

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Interesting, i have been inclined to use pro mix on my next grow…
I’m gonna have to check out the food
You’ve been growing over 20 years , a master lol .
Are you exclusive to just outdoor?

I think the main difference in plant specific soils are the ph of the medium specific to what a plant needs, I guess thats why your adding the dolomite.

As an example;

The soil for rhododendrons and azaleas should be acid, somewhere between very strong and medium, that is, a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 or 6.0. The pH scale is graduated from 0 to 14. A pH of 7.0 is neutral; reactions above 7.0 are alkaline and below 7.0 are acid.


I will check my soil ph next watering . One thing to mention is I never fed fed my plants just water sincethe seedling stage. So maybe it could be burn from salt build up. My next two waterings I’m gonna just go with water and check the pH.


A flush with ph corrected water may just help 6.2 -7.0 any where in that range for flushing soil. Try to catch some of the run off and check the ph & ec, may give you more of an insight to the problem.


Hi 4Hundred,
I have been growing reefer for over forty years now.
I am indeed a geezer!
I started growing indoors and then branched out to outdoor gardens.
Because I learned how to grow cannabis, I became interested in many other types of plants. Flowers and vegetables.
Anywho, if you need any ProMix or other garden supplies, check out this place in Pompano Beach Fl:

Universal Enterprises Supply Corp.
Phone: (954)979-0600
Fax: (954)971-2505
2171 Blount Road
Pompano Beach, FL 33069

They have great prices on all sorts of grow stuff!
I have used them for a long time now.
They will make you a happy camper!