What the hell is eating my plant and how do i kill them

What are these little devils eating my leaves and how do i kill them this is at 60x.

Lil white devil just eating the leaf


Looks like a aphid
Edit I didn’t see it was at 60x

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Could be a thrip:

image image



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Thought this might help.

I was trying neem oil but it didn’t seem to be helping to I thought, it must not be the right solution. Maybe a more than a couple applications will be needed.

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I mix with dawn.
Warm water. Two tablespoons of dawn mix with 3 to 4 of neem oil in warm water. Like a pint glass. Then add to a gallon to 2 gallons of water. You got to remember that this is oil so you need to turn lights way down for a few days. You can add some hydrogen peroxide also. You probably need to spray every few days. I would say about six days apart. I see @Northern_Loki is posting. @George is good at this stuff also.


If you are in veg or pre/early flower, you could try Azamax or other azadiractin.

I suggest a good coverage with a mister or cheap HVLP when treating with a pesticide. Be accurate with dose rates. Also, study the life cycle and time a couple+ applications.

I wouldn’t use this or other pesticides if well into flower. At that point, some of the lesser effective antidotes should at least keep em in check until harvest.

Although, relative to mites, thrips are usually one of the easier pests to control.

edit: also consider biological/predator control.


Azamax is something that I use. Keep it off your buds as much as possible. Make sure you use PPE.
Neem oil will burn a hole in you. It is very hot. It will blister.
That time of the year. Bugs get on your clothing and they piggyback ride to your grow room. I’ve never had them before, but I’ve had mites. They is a one and done here on og. Jonny Potseed and @MoBilly
and some others have used it.
You got help coming!!! @Gpaw is good with this. I see @Papalag is here also.


Bllster under led? i’ve had it happen under hps but not my LED yet.

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Captain jacks dead bug spray


It has oil in it. Will burn them up if the light is too intense. Nothing wrong with turning it down. Critter spray works pretty good. I’ll look up the ink on Amazon. The spray bottle works pretty good. Captain jack’s pretty good. They sell it at Lowe’s and Home Depot. I agree with @Northern_Loki and @Papalag .
Good luck to you. You definitely wanna pump sprayer. It’s always good to have one around and a small shop vac.
The spray bottle is a little bit better than the concentrated. It doesn’t seem to leave your plants as oily. The thing about Captain Jack’s you can get it at Home Depot and Lowe’s like I said.
One thing that I have read about. I copied this.
In 2004, some farmers in India reported spraying Coca-Cola on their crops as a pesticide alternative. They said the cola was safe to handle, cheap, and didn’t need to be diluted. One agriculture analyst suggested that the cola might be attracting red ants to eat insect larvae, similar to how farmers have traditionally used sugary solutions


The one n done works great. It’s a little pricey to make the concentrate but once made, it goes a long way.


That isn’t me. I’m just trying to help. These are my ideas. Start small with all of these ideas.
Don’t stress out to much. It happens to all of us.
I wish you the best.


I have no fear of thrips anymore. 1-2 oz spinosad in a gal of water and soil drenched. Do it every 3 days 3-4 times. I give them another dose once a week for a couple weeks but that’s probably not necessary.

It should break the lifecycle. One of the cycles takes place in the soil and the spinosad bacteria kills the larval stage. No spraying needed. It will kill the adults too once it gets absorbed by the plants since it’s systemic. They’ll eat the plant and then die. That’s a good and bad thing since we don’t know if smoking buds with traces of spinosad is bad for us.

But I’ll take my chances with it if or when I get them again.


Great discussion! I concur on the Thrips diagnosis, looks most like the picture posted.

Just to round things out, here’s the link to the One-n-Done spray mentioned above. I’ve used this successfully on thrips. It’s a contact killer, so you’ll need to spray sequentially to cover the eggs hatching.


Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics


Definitely thrips. Last time I had them I protocol 0’ed them out of existence.

People went literally insane when I told them it was systemic and translaminar. To this day, I’m not sure why.


That’s a good question, it has been banned in many places and there are no proved consequences but some suspicions … :roll_eyes:

Harmful Effects of Pesticide Residue in Cannabis.

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So only use in veg @George ?

It’s on leafs …… or in leafs ?

If it’s absorbed by the plant I wouldn’t use it at all, just wondering if when taking nutes from leaves, Spinosad will also be transported to buds.

I am a complete ignorant on this but just thinking about it scares me, I need my lungs healthy to continue vaping … :sweat_smile: