How do you dispose of your males while being respectful of others?

One bit of experience I can relay, I have an outdoor area where I do some of my seed runs, and about 75-100 feet away but on the same side of the house/quadrant of the yard, I have a couple (4) of big 30 gal pots that I throw all my random, immature, off the floor/fallen soldier seeds. The random pots are always filled with random females (I do cull out the males as soon as they show). I RARELY find any seeds in the buds from the free-for-all pots, and when I do it is only 1 or 2 at a time, not “seeded” buds. This is 75 feet away from where several (currently 5 SBT) large males are dumping pollen…

If your not gonna be, I am that guy!


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LOL, because that would put a quick end to my seed run :rofl: Pretty sure all those wanting seeds and pollen would be pretty disappointed.


Yes fair enough if you’re planning a big seed haul mine is not a good idea.


I am hoping, 17 plants going and it looks like 4 males, possibly 5. This is one of the 3 tents :slight_smile:



They all look great.

How do you plan to manage what gets pollinated where?

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Open pollination, all will be pollinated. There are 10 in there that are all Sour Bubble, 2 more Sour Bubble in tent across from it and 4 Grape Punch in a 3rd tent that will be introduced into there when the time comes.


I stick the males in my wood burner and make smoke out of them.

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I grow in bare out buildings (what I mean by bare is no drywall or carpet). So I hose everything down in and out, then I’ll open my tent and use my 1 gallon mister and thoroughly drench all my plants and tent insides. I then cut my males and submerge them in a bucket of water before burying them. It’s worked thus far, and may be a bit excessive, but the last thing I want to do is get seeds in my flower room or any of my, or my neighbors, out door shows.


Chop male, dunk in 5g. bucket of water while still in breeding/grow room, toss soaked branches into compost :v:


I offer them up on reddit or here for anyone that wants to meet up and take them if they’re males that haven’t dropped pollen yet.

If they’ve done their stuff and I’m done with them, chopped up and bagged in food waste bin.

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