How do you dispose of your males while being respectful of others?

So I was just sitting here thinking that I am going to have at least 4 big males in my run and once they are done I will have to dispose of them. Thinking that growing season will be in full swing at this point I am wondering how to get rid of the males in the end and not spread pollen all over the neighborhood. Normally I would mulch a plant and add it to my yard but for obvious reasons that seems mean to any outdoor growers that might be around. How do you dispose of your males?


Its an interesting thought. You could cut the plants apart and put them into a bucket and fill with watdr to neutralize the pollen. Or put it in a garbage bag and soak it down, seal, put in garbage.

For an indoor grow, it shouldnt be too much contamination. Especially if youre collecting the pollen, it will be thick in the air for at least a bit


Mine go into my compost heap or huglekulture pile.


Well, I spray them real good with water and bury them :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


When i read the declassified stuff the CIA did with plants and lie detectors it made me realize that plants are effected by witnessing the their owner physically killing another plant. Now i just stop watering them then dispose of them once dead.


Make a big strong batch of tea with them.
Kills the pollen and is healthy.

May or may not get you extra stoned as well.


Itā€™s ok, no plants witnessed anything, itā€™s not dead, itā€™s just out of the tent :slight_smile:


When Iā€™m done they get ā€˜disassembledā€™ and stuffed into a ā€˜green binā€™ bag.
I knot the bag shut and mist the bag and area with water, then off to the green bin.



I put a plastic bag over them. I hold the bag tight around the stem. Cut it off and take it up to the shower.

I get in the shower with them. Shower with cloths on. Than everything stays in the shower. After a good soak the plants go back in the bag, which has been showered inside out.

The bagged, soaking males go into the outside trash barrel in a heavy duty garbage bag. That stuff goes every where.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Completely soak with water before you chop, double bag, spray again for good measure before you tie it up then friggin toss it in the can

Edit: Iā€™ll let them dry in the bag for a couple weeks and then burn them if I donā€™t immediately toss


Holy Crap thats a LOT of effort!

But yes, pollen gets absolutely everywhere otherwise.

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@DougDawson I like that youā€™re considerate of the local outdoor growers, but I wouldnā€™t be too worried about ruining anyoneā€™s outdoor around this time of year. Itā€™s still very early in the season, hasnā€™t even really started yet. Weā€™re in Canada :thinking: unless thereā€™s some hardcore Canadian greenhouse growers trying to get in a super early pre-season crop :joy: I can just imagine the look on their faces haha, like wtf, how my shit get pollinated in April??! :laughing:
If you chop em up into a paper bag you can just bury the whole thing.

I prefer to juice the young oneā€™s that donā€™t make it into the breeding chamber and compost the chosen ones after they do the deed. I make sure to really chop and kill them good lol, and turn them into the compost pile to cover them up. Canā€™t have them coming back to life with a vengeance :rofl:


ā€œworks for years to master cloning, and still has some failuresā€

ā€œChops a male to tiny pieces, tosses in compost pile, has 2 dozen ā€œcuttingsā€ root accidentallyā€

Be careful man, that Murphy and his laws have a sick sense of humor!


Am I really the only one who likes cannabis tea here?
Such a waste to throw it all away, the healthiest beverage I can imagineā€¦
Itā€™s as simple as placing a big pot of water next to your tent, and cut them up into the pot.
Pollen gone.


I love the stuff!! :heart_eyes:
So much that I even made a thread about it


I still have the roots from the males. Just got to get that pollen taken care off. I am doing preservation runs and donā€™t want to take the risk. I have a shower in the M-I-L apartment before I leave it to go in the main house. So no pollen can leave there.


Throw into my worm bin and close the lid šŸ¤·


If the plant needs to go quick and must be phyically killed try make sure its someone whoā€™s not around the rest of the plants normally.
Red rum


It sure is but you never know when some advantageous auto grower will throw the plants they started early outside. We will be into May by the time these males get disposed of. I get that itā€™s early in the season but seemed like a worthwhile question to ask. Can you imagine those big plants you grew outside last year getting pollinated by some mystery brick weed because someone just tossed some males outside without caring :slight_smile: I just donā€™t want to be that guy.


Why not just kill them at the first sign of sacks to avoid the rigmarole?

Unless you plan on pollinating with em. Then maybe take some cuttings and kill the fathers so less risk of contamination?

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