How long should I leave males in tent

I have 3 males who have been dropping pollen in my breeding greenhouse for weeks .

Lost count of where the ladies are but have to be at least 5 to 6 weeks deep . In flower

How long should I leave the males in there ???

Will they drop viable pollen until they die or should I Kill them at some point ???

I don’t know any help appreciated :sunglasses:


I usually toss mine at the 4-5 week mark but its strain dependent. Just check out you pistils. When those white hairs are MIA and changing on you your females should be good an prego. This Blueberry Diesel seed run I’m on now had such vigorous males I’m pulling a bit after the 3rd week.


If you are making seeds on purpose I’d pull the males with 5 weeks of development to spare so you don’t get a bunch of duds.

Not a big deal, just more sorting if you don’t :+1:


Not sure what you mean ?

Yes breeding was on purpose .

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If you let the pollen stay on the plant late into the flowering period what @Foreigner is getting at is that the plant will continue to produce new seeds but these seeds will NOT develop in time to create viable seeds.

If you pull the males out at week 5 of flower, then soak the female plant down to deactivate the pollen resting on the bud sites the plant can then use the remaining weeks to pump all that work and energy into growing big viable seeds.



Learning more every day here… thank you

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If the females have lots of pistils, I only leave active males in with them for 4-5 days. After that they get chopped


Got ya


Guess I’ll look through my grow log and figure out how long they have been in there


Good luck buddy!!

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I usually introduce my females at 3 weeks flower and then leave them until week 5 and do the soak. 2 weeks of plant fucking makes for a lot of seeds and some but not many to deal with sorting out afterwards.


Sounds like I can pull them on my next day off then . Be glad to get rid of them and have space for a few more ladies


You want at least 5-6 weeks for seeds to ripen

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Sorting through the run I just got done with didn’t take me too long luckily. Gotta find that quick efficient way to do it without having a seed sorter

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I was gonna build a sorter until I decided to do this instead and never turned back.


Yes i understand that, done plenty of seed making, but NEVER in the wild outside. Has always been with my paintbrush.

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THANKS for the replies, taking them down Tuesday, my next day off. Will wash the plants, didnt think of that although i do it inside hours after laying pollen .

Thanks Everyone!!!