How do you make green dragon

I also don’t know how difficult and expensive it is to obtain 190-proof alcohol. I use a Source Turbo to maximize my alcohol savings, as 190 proof is hard to find and costly for me. By acquiring the machine, it has already paid for itself and more.

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I decarb a lb of bud/ or trim sugar. And put it in jars with everclear. 6 months later I strain all material out and have brown dragon. Not so green after a good decarb. Then enjoy in shots.


Ok so I pressed the herb, strained using coffee filter
Hope that’s OK

Now it sits in a pot of hot water on simmer
I reduce now
Yall add olive oil for what reason?


Mostly to thin it out so it’s not as strong. It also makes it a little easier to put in syringes, if that’s your goal.

I use liquid coconut oil, but anything high in fats


It has been proven through studies that THC can block pain receptors (without getting you high) so while you stated people “believe” it has Medicinal properties I just want to clarify that it in fact does.

However if you don’t have actual pain to deal with I don’t recommend it. I made it and it was interesting but the only takeaway was it made my #2’s smell quite strongly of weed


I use THC for my pain meds. 7 back surgeries. I only use my cannibas for relief. Works well!


i always found that while it didn’t take the pain away it made it much easier to ignore.


Also if anyone here dabs with a rig. Like me running through 25 gs a week. You get 3 to 8 grams of reclaim. Mix it with coco oil and heat it up right to simmering, it’s already been smoked so it’s active. But I feel this helps, may be unnecessary. Anyways. Then suck up the solution in a Tylenol syringe and dol it out Into little vials. You’ll have to experiment and strength will always differ. But these things make about 300 MG thc and up depending on what ratio you use, personally I have found 1 part claim and 5 parts coconut oil works well… took me a minute but I found a pic of some made.f3b7c5d611bd7509ad67ee68f483c48eb807e4d9_2_375x500 (1)


2.5 hours later…
I think I did it,hope it’s the get high kind.
I bake the Herb next time.
Oil smells good.


PSamProjects on youtube made some great video tutorials some time back. He’s got some from sugar to Green Dragon.

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I really like stirring mine. I bought glass stir rods just for that lol. I find it helps get the consistency smoother.

Otherwise looks good! I can almost smell it lol

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Wasted lol
Other than the high im struck by 2 things I hadn’t
Thought about.
The smell of the oil in the jar is pleasant
The taste on this joint is like super strong
Tasty, more so than even a dank flower.
The room smells like a hash den slash
Gelato parlor
This is nice, like wow nice


You said you decarbed it already, and since you put it on the joint, aren’t you decarbing it twice? Does anyone know?

I always make two batches: one decarbed for food, and one non-decarbed for smoking.

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No I missed that step, however it was mentioned
That cooking off the alcohol did the same thing?
Next time I will bake my herb first
And freezer the weed and everclear first.

But it definitely wasted me last night, I smoke a shit ton of herb so my tolerance is high and I felt the shit out of that lol


I am glad it worked out. Nice. I am just curious, because if I can just make one type of batch, it simplifies things for me

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i did a sous vide decarboxylation on the dried flowers, i vacuumized them in a bag and submerged it in a 90°C waterbath for roughly 5 hours. i had to keep the bag submerged with a lot of weight due to the CO2 buildup from the decarb, which gave the bag a lot of boyancy. i left enough space in the bag for the co2 to build up. i did it that way cause i tried to save the terps… it was a bit risky but it worked ^^. than i let it cool and put the decarboxylated flower in a jaar with 42% alcohol. forgot the exact ratio of flower to alcohol, but i think i have it somewhere in my notes… i put the jar with the mixture back into my hot water bath, this time at 60°C for 90 minutes and burped it every 15 minutes or so. then i filtered it and pressed any liquid out of the flower material with my tincture press. i then made a second extraction on the material, using a smaller amount of alcohol/ i broke up the cake and just covered it slightly with alcohol. then i proceedet like in the first run an pooled the extracts.
the resulting tincture is between green and brown i would say :slight_smile:
it works very well for me sublingually.


Interesting method!


I use at least two oz of herb