How do you make green dragon

I’m kinda a clutz, double boiling alcohol freaks me out.
I have about a full gallon of herb I need to do something with.

I read I can get some ever clear, pour it into the gallon jar till it just barley covers the herb

Let is steep for several weeks
Remove herb
Leave top off and alcohol will evaporate.
Then if I want I can double boil that
Till nothings left but oil.

I need supervision so I don’t blow myself up.
All tips and suggestions welcome


never made green dragon before but if you evaporate the alcohol off of it, you should be good to boil it without much risk, especially on an electric stove. in theory anyway. have a lid ready to smother the flames in case i’m wrong. maybe a fire extinguisher handy as well.


I’m scared already lol

We made it once and used a coffee maker…


It takes longer but you can allow alcohol to evaporate naturally. Just need to check it so it doesn’t dry out completely

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If it does evaporate off then the oil is left
Or does that dry out to?


We also used edible glycerin once too… it’s tasted sweet

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I use a Magic Butter machine to make it. My end product is a chocolate edible but I don’t reduce the GD in the process.



I did mine in a crockpot outside. Put some cheesecloth on to keep dirt out. Just had to top off the crockpot every so often.


Hey @toker1

From my experience, that is just hash oil not green dragon. Id classify it as a tincture, because when i make it, it is in liqued form, not oil.

You described Cold extraction,

I use a “hot” method.

find one of those mini hot-plates for a coffee cup. Or a candle warmer. Mine has a high/low switch.
I make quart size batches in a wide mouth ball brand jar. Dont use off brand, canning jars are safe to heat. Pack with plant leave 1/2 to 3/4" space from the top, and fill with ever clear or graves grain, or the highest proof vodka you can find just barley over the plant.

Put the lid on loose.
Dont tighten it at all, just barley on there.
Pop it on the warmer ( or in the july sun lol)
A specific temp isnt necessary, (since the alcohol will dissolve the goodness at room temp) it just speeds up the process.
The heat also pulls more chlorophyll out too, so if your not into the bitterness that comes with it, stick to cold extraction.

I sit mine on the warmer overnight near a cracked window just in case. You can wrap with a towel to help keep heat in.
Next day i strain out the plant and put the liqued back in the jar.
Note the level of liqued, make a mark where 1/2volume is, and let it sit on the warmer again. No lid, next to an OPEN WINDOW. A fan blowing across the top of the jar greatly increases how fast it evaporates.

I reduce to 1/2 and put it in dropper bottles.



I make mine from my pressed rosin pucks


I have a bag of pucks I’m saving for some gold lol.

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I use the magic butter machine.
Makes amazing Butter,alcohol tincture .ointments.
Green dragon made with 180 proof everclear comes out the best.

Mistake already
In used way to much herb for a pint
Had to fish some out, I still have to much I think.
Should I go get a half gallon?
I have around 8 Oz or more left of herb
That needs to be done.
Will it reduce and leak out more?
Can I add more and not fuck the batch up
Should I do it quickly or can I wait to add more everclear?
Man my hands are so sticky from fishing out
Some of that


Perhaps 2 mistake

Did i need do this

Do I Need to Decarb My Weed First?

For those who aren’t familiar, decarb is short for “decarboxylation”. Decarboxylating (or decarbing) describes the process of slowly cooking your weed to activate all the good stuff in it by turning THC-A to THC.

Now that we’re all on the same page, do you need to decarb your weed before making hash oil?

The answer to this question can vary based on your reasons for making hash oil. However, in my opinion, the answer is “Yes, you should decarb 100% of the time when making hash oil!

So, why wouldn’t you decarb? There are two main reasons people don’t decarb their weed before making hash oil:

  1. They believe THC-A has medicinal properties
  • The process of making hash oil on its own doesn’t create enough heat to turn THC-A into the more potent THC. If you don’t decarb, you’ll have oil that’s mostly THC-A.
  1. They don’t want psychoactive effects
  • THC gets you “high”, THC-A does not. Ingesting hash oil without decarbing the weed won’t get you “high” since it will be mostly THC-A. For some people, that’s a plus.

I started out wanting to make dragon, now I want to make oil to.

Do yall bake your weed first before making dragon or oil?
Since I didn’t will my oil or dragon just be medical
With no high?


You can still decarb it with the double boiler method.

So you have the alcohol and oil mixture now, to make things easy I would let it evaporate at room temperature and then add the same amount of cold pressed coconut or olive oil and then put it the double boiler.

Be aware that this can be very potent stuff, so when you try it the first time make sure you don’t have anything important to do the next 12 to 24 hours, one dose the size of a grain of rice can get you high all day long.

I decarb my dried bud dry that way, make sure you have the lid on.

You can manipulate the cannabinoids by changing the timespan of the decarbing.
I’ve experimented with it and wrote up my findings here:

Currently I enjoy the 2 hr 10 min. timespan on all my cultivars.


You can also use a rice cooker. Works very well. The end product is RSO when all the alcohol is burned off


Yes, with rice cooker same decarb times apply, it’s about the same heat as double boiler (212F/100C).
I like to dilute it with some other oils because the pure stuff is very easy to overdo.