How do you prepare garden soil / compost for use indoors

With the lockdown now in full swings, I’m finding compost and worm castings and the like, a bit difficult to get hold off and if I can get some, the prices have sky rocketed.

Now I’ve got a compost bin and a worm farm on the go but having recently moved house, they’re both newly set up, so aren’t producing at the moment.
My new house does have a large garden, the house is about 180 years old and tense so is the garden. The soil in the flower beds is looks good and because the hired gardeners were lazy twats and didn’t remove an waste, there’s piles of composted lawn and hedge clippings. Also a lot of the garden is overgrown. I’ve just discovered a path, I didn’t know was there,
Anyway there must be about a ton of natural compost hiding the path,
I’ve just dug some up. It’s about 4 to 6 inches deep with a nice covering of healthy grass and weeds growing on it.
I’ve cleaned some up and sieved it and it looks lovely stuff, I’m going to pot on some peppers with it this afternoon. Now I’d like to use it indoors but am scared of bring insects or disease in with it.
What would I have to do to it, to make it safe.


Ive been watching Fugus grow 4 days now also added it to soil and some activator bio-fertilizer cheap…5 gallon pail or something right if your on a budget

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do you already have other plants indoors?? i’d be really worried about contaminating my other plants with pests from outdoors. if i grabbed soil from my garden it’s almost guaranteed i’d be grabbing thrips along with it and who knows what else. 1st time i got thrips was from using garden soil to germinate seedlings on my first time growing


Thanks for the replies, I’ve decided to microwave it

U could pasteurize it. Get an insulated tote or cooler, load clean soil in and mix in boiling water and use a thermometer to get to 145F. Close lid and wait 6 hrs. Good enough for the mushrooms I used to grow. Microwaves have hot and cold spots, ur bound to miss something. Or just order a few bricks of compressed coir and u don’t have to mess with any of that