Organic first grow

How to prepare organic soil for pot indoor grow ?


Hey man, Iā€™m sure there are a million suggestions coming your way but Iā€™d say to look into coots mix. Or No-till. Theyā€™ve given me the best smoke out of multiple different soil mixes Iā€™ve triedā€¦ potent terpy and without the chemical aftertaste some nutes leave behind.

I used to also use Subcool Super Soil when I was a bit newer to organics.

Now Iā€™m kinda using concepts from both. No-till and recycled organic living soil are both excellent.

And if your plants get hungry later on in mid flower, Iā€™d say read up on top dressing and look into aerated compost teas and similar stuff.

A lot of my extras come from Build a Soil, but I try to use local inputs as much as possible to lower cost of shipping heavy items, etc.

Again, there are so many different takes even on what I mentioned so far, so Iā€™d read up on here and other forums too. Rollitup has bit of a reputation for some drama and stuff, but Iā€™ve found really good information in the Recycled Organic Living Soil thread and a few other threads in the organic section. You donā€™t have to join over there to read stuff but to post youā€™d need to sign up. Iā€™m sure IC mag and others also have great info too.

I hope that gives you a few ideas to look into more both on here, other forums and Google in general.

Have a great day and best of luck growing!


Iā€™m not a fan of the Neem that most put in their mixes and some of those recipes get a lil complicated. Hereā€™s my simplified soil building mix that has given me lots of success and still running strong reusing it over and over


The most important thing about soil is you need time (3~4 weeks) to let it rest before using.
If you just mix it up and use it immediately you will have all manner of weird and interesting issues ā€˜crop upā€™ā€¦

Second thing is, get a worm farm (simple to make if you are handy). Fresh earthworm castings (EWC) are magicā€¦ and they have a number of beneficial soil organisms in there as well.

There are lots of books on the subject.



Ideally get certified organic potting soil.
Add a good handful of kitchenscraps and a handful of tree leaves per bucket of soil.
Cover up and let rest for a month and fluff it up every day, or every few days to get air into it.
Keep the moisture so that when you grab a handful and make a fist you get one drop of water, thatā€™s perfect.

I use this method and it has been working great for almost two years now;

Iā€™m using small plastic pots on top of fabric pots, they suck up the water much better than plastic pots and they donā€™t have holes in the bottom where fungus gnats like to lay eggs.

Check my grow journal ā€œRogutopiaā€¦ā€ if you wanna see more.

Good to have you here, thank you for growing!