How feasible do you think it would be to use 1 liter Coco/perlite pots for 12/12 from seed?

Got it, makes sense!

Thanks for all the info. Hopefully I’ll be up and running again in less than month with something similar… Might tag you if I hit more questions :grimacing:

Thanks again!

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id go straight coco as well. when youre flooding theyd have to sit for quite some time for the water to wick to the top of the pots, especially with any perlite. with straight coco theyll get soaked at the bottom and should remain relatively dry up top. you can grow a surprisingly huge plant in 1L of coco as weve seen in this thread!

also instead of perlite you could use coco ‘croutons’ (those big chunks) for a more airy mix that should still wick a bit better

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I think pure coco in a flood table is way too dense. It actually does wick to the very top of the pot with just the bottom quarter to half inch being soaked for 30 seconds or so. It’ll do it just fine with straight perlite too but you face immediate death if your pump fails or anything. The coco is a buffer that will stay wet much longer than perlite, but I need the 50/50 perlite to keep things at least somewhat aerated.

With the 1min every 2hr, the tops of my pots are just slightly damp when the pump runs again. At 3hrs it’s dry on top. Definitely have to find the balance for your pots and plants.


that’s crazy cool :metal: :metal: :metal:


When you start reusing it and depending on your location and environment they pop up more so.

Even though im kinda anti insecticide i use a pyrethrin based concentrate mixed into a small spray bottle and spray just the surface of the coco if i have an outbreaks cause say season change when the find their way indoors, a single light spray typically takes care of them for me sometimes a second is required like a week later but otherwise usually i would get very few especially if say fresh coco.


The new “grow it commercial coco coir” bricks I’ve been getting, literally break them selves up as soon as you add water, I’ve grown in coco for years and been breaking stuff up this has been great


wow crazy. the few times i tried bottom feeding coco it never seemed to wick like promix would. i was using solo cups with tiny drain holes so maybe that accounts for the difference


Ah that could be it! I cut slits along the bottom edge of the cup instead of putting holes in the bottom so its likely easier for the water to go right in