How many clones to make s1

If I am reversing two clones of the same plant, should I keep an additional clone to receive pollen, or will there likely be seeds in the reversed clones. I am not trying to make thousands of seeds. If i hit 100 that would be a lot.


I’d go with pollinating an unaltered plant. You’d be fine just pollinating lower branches probably, but this way you can be sure your timing lines up correctly.


I agree…but for the sake of getting it right,take a backup clone in case one doesn’t make it. It never hurts and saved my arse a few times now


i have 4, maybe 5, of the same cut, but one keeps flowering and doesn’t look that well. I was going to drop 2 reversed ones on about 12 or so other females in a 2x4. I planned to keep one of the donor strains as a receiver, but was sort of hoping i would have the extra space.


Did it work?

1 clone will be plenty enough pollen to Reverse and make 100 seeds so best to just Reverse 1 clone and pollinate the 2nd clone.

Some Reversed plants look near a full Male with hardly any pistils to pollinate , some plants only half Reverse with plenty of pistils left to pollinate, each pheno/variety will Reverse differently so unless tried before best bet is 1 clone Reversed and 1 clone to pollinate.


I tried STS on a holy grail Kush clone hoping for more hgk selfed seeds as that plant was my last seed and imports were not making it through customs for a long time.
Also wanted to hgk X with a beautiful northern lights blueberry phenotype my friends aptly named laughing gas.
I wanted the stature and stretch- or lack of stretch quality that was great for scrogs of the laughing gas-NLB-- crossed with a bit more potent OG hgk…I must have slightly od’d the strength of STS or due to not on calendar, miss timed a few sprays of STS.

Just a tip of how easy it is to mess up a cross or selfing for fem seeds. I really wish I had other cuts spare of both the hgk and NLB…

Also beware STS is strong and easy to go too over powered in measuring if making it from powdered ingredients on a 0.001 gram scale even… very easy to make mistakes…also notes on calendar I really recommend of when sprayed…

The hgk produced thousands of selfed undeveloped seeds that were fried not viable…didn’t share pollen either…burnt out crispy unsmokable junk buds too

Just a story hope you are aware of.

The hgk sizzled in pollination weeks went brown didn’t throw pollen on the NLB but just itself hgk