Applying STS to a single main cola to make fems

I was planning on selfing some Suge Pure Kush S1s that I have to make S2s. If I top it once and apply STS through injection to one main cola is there a high chance that the other main cola will develop pollen sacks/does it usually happen on higher doses?


Im not 100 percent positive about this. But, if i remember correctly from the small amount of research i did. The sts will get carried up the branch as water travels through the plant. So, i think anything above the injection site on that branch will be effected.


That’s perfect I should be able to self with ease then. Thanks g!

If you use Colliodal silver, only the branches that you spray will be effected. Also, if you revegetate after harvest you will not get any male flowers again if you do not spray again. That is why I use colliodal silver. It gives you complete control. :rainbow:


Would it be more reliable than STS? I’d clone before I start the application of either so I don’t have to worry too much about revegging.

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I have never used STS. Maybe someone else will jump in here, :thinking:

first spray the sts, injection is well very inconsistent ime, also just have a second small plant spray the whole thing ideally starting it to flower 2 or so weeks ahead of the other clone you want to pollinate.

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I Heard u cannot smoke the plant after this.

U just have 1 health… So dont risk it i would say.
Just in case u wanna make hash with the rest or something like that.

STS is toxic, so dont even think about it. Maybe do some Clones?

Take clones from a plant, spray 1-2 down with STS and take the pollen and throw it on the main stem, that should be fine.


I fully agree with you! And when breeding photoperiod plants there is no reason to risk it IMHO, however that still leaves us with autoflowers. Let’s say you reverse an auto plant with STS, how would you know if the pollen from the plant is any good if you don’t get to smoke it? Then you would first have to S1 the plant, and plant the seeds, wait for harvest and cure and smoke that, which would be 3~5 months potentially wasted on a bad result…

Ofcourse this is always a risk with breeding, but I think it’s pretty important to be able to try the product before crossing it any further…

I still haven’t found a solution to this, I will follow this thread, hopefully someone with some experience with autos shows up :smiley:

eS :tropical_drink:


I may actually have found a difinitive answer to the question: “do plants transport STS?”

Found in this article on Springer: The anti-ethylene growth regulator silver thiosulfate (STS) increases flower production and longevity in cassava

When STS was applied to mature leaves, silver was detected in newly developed leaves that had not been treated with STS; furthermore, as the treatment concentration increased, the level of silver in newly formed leaves increased correspondingly (Fig. 3). The presence of silver ions in unsprayed leaves indicates that STS is absorbed and transported in the plant for at least 2 weeks. Previous studies have indicated that silver ion is relatively non-mobile within plants (Kofranek and Paul 1975). The positively charged silver ions bind to the anionic surfaces on xylem vessels thereby interfering with its uptake and transport processes (Veen and van de Geijn 1978). However, the mobility and rate of transport of silver ion is improved by complexing it with thiosulfate (Veen and van de Geijn 1978; Veen 1983). In fact, within the xylem, silver ion complexed as STS moves much more freely compared to silver ion applied as silver nitrate (Veen and Van de Geijn 1978).

So, STS seems to be mobile to a point where it will be present in the buds, and whether this concentration of silver particals, is too much, is up to your judgement. So please be mindful of this!

edit: less black and white wording for the last concluding sentence


I’m fine with not smoking the sts plants. My current appalachia flower cycle + the stardawg kush seed run from stray fox should be enough to tide me over during the suge s2 run.

My full plan would be to clone, s2 the plants from seed (make each plant have two main colas and spray one cola on each plant to get the best mix/match), run the clones to test the flowers to see which ones to keep/which ones herm, clone the stable ones that have the best effects/smell/looks to s2 again to have stable seed stock to look through, and work with that for flower runs through the following selfed generations s3/s4/s5 etc. to see if I can find something better than the s1’s.

That’s interesting to learn that the spray > injection. I would’ve assumed the injection being a direct method would’ve been a straight shot for producing male flowers.

The only reason i’m selfing right off the bat for these is because I don’t have a back up pack and don’t want to lose them completely as I can’t find another pack with ease.

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I use colliodal silver and only spray at lights out for the first 4 days after flipping to 12-12. At that point there are no flowers so after the plant produces buds they do not have any colliodal silver on them. Only the stem and leaves that you sprayed. :rainbow:


Did you find it to be more reliable than sts?

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I have never used STS but with colloidal silver I only spray 4 times and then three weeks later I have male flowers. It has worked every time. :rainbow:


What the strength of the colloidal sliver, you are using


You could reverse three females and pollinate as many females as you can, but just a few branches. Then just keep the seeds from whatever moms you like best after smoke tests.


Ahhh yeah true! For now I’ll just select the best one based on preflower morphology and vigour, reverse the entire plant, S1 it and collect pollen to F1 it with its sisters using your technique. That will hopefully give:

  • some pollen in the fridge for future generations
  • somewhat stable S1 seeds
  • F1 seeds from different mom’s to explore and potentially Bx1 with the fridge pollen
  • some bud from the non pollinated and non reversed flowers

That should allow to explore the genetic diversity of the plant and give an idea of the different phenotype expressions for the most important part: the smoking test :sunglasses:.

For my current project I have 8xAK420 Autos, today the first showed above the soil, 1 will be fully reversed, that should leave me with 7 plants to pollinate and smoke!

eS :tropical_drink:


Yeah that’s a perfect number for a home grow. My first serious project was like that. I reversed a couple females onto the rest of the pack. I didn’t create S1s though. You’re going to find a lot of good stuff to look through! :fire:


Spray it right it will be localized. Ive done it with lower branches.


I dont know the strength. I make my own with some silver wire and a 9 volt battery. I let it generate for exactly 8 hours. :rainbow: