Question about reversing using STS

Hey everybody, so I wanted to reverse a strain I have called Queens Banner by night owl seeds, but the last two times I tried, I successfully reversed it but the pollen sacs often end up empty. Has anyone reversed this strain, and if so do you have any tips/tricks? TIA


I’ve only done 3 reversal runs now. So I’m no expert, but on my last one (this reversal was extreme and made the MOST pollen sacs) it seemed like a lot were empty or never produced anything.

But, the small percent that were viable were still enough to do what was needed.


I just did a reversal of Mephisto Genetics Hubbabbubbasmelloscope and the male plant was COVERED in flowers but… NO DUST!.

At week 3 flower for the females, I literally too the fems and rubbed them INTO the male plant like they were a weird ass shaped toothbrush.

It made a mess with casing going everywhere but it worked. What little pollen in those empty balls got into the pistils and I got LOTS of seeds.

The biggest tips I can give:

1 - Start your “male” 3 weeks before you start your females (autos).
2 - Spray every 3 days until balls everywhere.
3 - Wear protection and spray in a safe environment away from other plants. I use a big box and after spraying down the plant I cover the open top of the box with a black towel until the plant dries out to go back into the tent.

You got this @Kyleromero94 !


When did you start spraying? I’ve had my best results starting at day 28 with autos.


Thanks for sharing this. I’m 0 for 3 myself :sweat_smile:


Never had empty sacs. Im on my 5th(?) Reversal without issue. Maybe it’s a strain specific thing.


I had virtually-empty sacks this summer and assumed it was because I started spraying late. I still got about 100 seeds but was hoping for 1000 or so.


Reversed ones seldom have huge amounts of pollen. The also take a bit longer after balls show to provide any. They are not huge pollinators like a male would be. I have reversed a full plant and grown a clone right beside it without pollination. I have made about 20 s1s.


My girl is trying to out do the boys!


Gotcha!! So there’s traces of pollen in there, even if not seen by the naked eye??


I’m hoping there’s minute traces of pollen to use. Even 100 seeds would be amazing at this point for me

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I’ve heard cosmic queen is a difficult strain to reverse

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This is insanely helpful, I’ll keep this in mind, thanks so much!! :pray:t2:


Try sifting the dried male flowers . You’d be surprised how much pollen you’ll get.


I am 0 for 1 myself, will be trying another one in a few days

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Hope it works for you this time :crossed_fingers:

Please share any success - and really keep track of what you do.

It seems that every plant you reverse, has a different reaction to the STS - am I wrong here?

The next time I try, I will be putting multiple cuts of the one I want to reverse and trying a slightly different schedule with each - I will also be ready to harvest, dry, and sift the flowers that taunt you while never opening up, ha ha! :laughing:

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I’ve only reversed a few times and my experience is that each time is different.

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