How much do you water your pots?

So if you were going to grow some pure landrace sativas in a 80 inch tall tent. How would you go about that?

Out of love. :heart:

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I grow in 3 gallons, in veg I find I water every other day 1 gallon split between 5 plants. In flower its less because of the light cycle.

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I grow in 5 gallon fabric or just plain 5 gallon buckets driller well for run off . I water 1 gallon every other day per pot , sometimes i have run off & other times I dont ā€¦

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interesting responses - I would say if a 30-gallon pot is taking 1 gallon per day Iā€™d water once a week - maybe once every 5-6 days.

Iā€™m running 4.5 gallon pots, my waterings are usually 3-4 quarts of water. Depending on the size of the plant they go 1.5 to 4 days between waterings. This is an organic soil mix with 15% perlite 15% vermiculite the rest peat & compost

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Iā€™m running 3 gal fabric pots and water 1 gal each every 3-5 days running autos. Basically I just feel em and when theyā€™re light they get a gallon.

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Right now just about everythingā€™s getting 2-3qts eod 3 gallon grow bags.

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Sometimes, I just donā€™t.

Likeā€¦ So often, at times, that now I can reliably kick a plant into flower purely from drought stress.

Neglect has never been so fascinating :sweat_smile: