What is Normal Drainage Time?

how days is normal for a plant to dry the soil.
and if you know any method to make soil dry faster.
mine are 3w seedlings in a 17L pot and are requring 5 days is it normal


Very much normal. They will start drinking more as they get bigger. Go off the pots weight when to water. Or the “down to the knuckle” test. Push your finger in to the soil. Once it’s dry at the knuckle think about watering. You got this bro


Keep an eye on your watering , water for plant size not pot size , she won’t need watering for a good while , till pot significantly feels lighter , don’t go by how surface of soil looks , dig down 2 inches and also lift pot to gauge and if your watering lasts more than 3 days before needing it again that’s too much adjust accordingly , two days is good
Water a ring around plant same size as circumference of leafs kind off as plant gets bigger volume increases slightly as does circumference of the ring ( teasing roots outwards to fill the pot )
It’s easier to control the watering using smaller pots to begin with , upoting as plant gets bigger rather than being in big pot straight away as a big pot entices you to overwater and a big pot takes longer to dry out if if too much used but as long as your vigilant and aware a big pot at start is ok : )


Lifting the pots and finger in the soil has always kept my watering in proper perspective! GR8 advice from all. :facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I started with bigger pots because my girls are autos


I grow only autos, 3 gallon pots are about perfect start to finish! :+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I like 3-4 days give or take.


I have tested that and i have seen a huge difference in bud size with 5 gal

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3 is good i think and you can do 1 water and 1 fertilizer in a week


Maybe next time I will run one on a five gallery pot, to see what the difference is thanks for that suggestion! :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I never give plain water but that’s just my preference.


Do you think diging a little the top of soil and mixing it without hurting roots help

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I preffer that with photoperids
Any stress in autos will stun and delay the growth


I always PH about 6.2 to 6.7 just in that range only for autos in FFOF and FFHF. I am looking to change my bag soil type to something different as nd I am open for suggestions! :eyes: :ear: :face_with_monocle: :sunglasses: :v:


Yes I do to keep it loose do it don’t tighten up on you, make sure you always give it at least 25% perlite as this does help a lot.

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This is just me talking but I’m not a big fan of precharged soil. Who knows how hot it is. Who knows when the nutes are going to be depleted and you have to supplement anyway.

I might think differently under different conditions but it just doesn’t appeal to me.

Inert medium, I add nutes at my discretion.


So give me a good new soil to try out and run with. I do agree to a point with you, that is why I layer my pots with the FFOF on the bottom portion as I have found it to be to hot for some strains and now I don’t have that problem. I did learn the hard way with those hot soils. :roll_eyes:

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I like Promix HP myco. No additives, straight out of the bag. It’s cheap.


I start autos in fairly saturated 3 gallons,normally. Honestly, sometimes seedlings (espeially autos?) just look goofy out the gates and outgrow it. We all worries about “stunting” an auto, and try to “correct” slow early growth, but I water very sparingly (like almost never/rings, as discussed above for three weeks)

Roots are reaching through it all, but we just see a couple leaves that we can go by.

Pot weight tells you when she really starts drinking.


I only spray with a bottle for a while and that has always worked for me. Lot of good information flying around now, greatly appreciate hearing how others handle their autos. They are not very forgiving at all and you need to keep the pedal matted or they will not finish the race well!