How small can I go?

Hello everyone, I had a question about plant and container size if running an organic set up for pheno hunting and making crosses. My goal is to save time and space with a short veg to flower as many of my crosses as I can with a limited plant count.

How small is too small and still get away with flowering quality plant to see there expressions using soil and organic inputs?

I “allegedly” can have 12 plants and would like to flower in a 2x2 space, can I say flower 6 to 8 micro plants in this area? I’ve never flipped a small plant flower and the smallest Ive personally gone is 3 gallons.


I just did a seed run on 10 days of veg so they stayed pretty small but were bigger than I’d have expected.

I can fit 6 1g pots in my 20” x 30” space and have it work.

You could go smaller pots but unless you automate the water schedule would be a big pain.


I do exactly what youre describing! My trick is using a soilless medium(usually 70/30 coco/perlite) with high quality amendments like pride lands, as well as a lot of ferments and teas. Usually 1 gallon pots, sometimes 2 gals for bigger stuff. vegged about 15 days from pop, then into 12/12 in a 3-4 inch pot until they sex. The real trick is not let the soil dry out. My method for that is a cheap capillay mat/Blumat surface sensor. Got it rigged up to a 5 gal bucket and it keeps everything on it happy. Heres a haze I was testing in a 1 gal, as well as a sativa in a 2 gal for perspective. Hope this helps!


Hey foreigner, I’ve been wanting to talk to you, I love following your grow. I really enjoy those big fox-tailed buds you grow, is that a trait you breed for?

thanks for the information.


Hey thanks man.

If you’re talking about the foxtailing panama/malawi I was fortunate to receive it from somebody.

I did a little work with it and the progeny turned out very nice but not as foxtaily.

In a perfect world what I like to do is find one super hazy sativa male and cross it with a bunch of different 8 weeker strains and hopefully come up with a killer cross.


thanks man, and yes it does help. I’m glad to know it can be done. I just want to run through some plants and do some searching. I’m not a huge smoker so once this run is done i will have personal smoke for the next year.

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How long does it take to flower now?

Im super new to making crosses. the strain name game just messes it all up for me to understand what im working with.

Like now I’m working with a Donatello clone, but from who? Who breed her. Is she actually what I’m told. I think if she is actually a Donatello cut she is from Irie Genetics. shes super fat, starting to foxtail a little and smells of berry and gas. Looking very similar others Ive seen from Jeffs work.

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I made two different crosses and they’re equally good but in different ways. One is likely to go 11 the other is likely to go 12.

Strain names are bullshit and it all comes down to trusting your source. Do you believe me when I tell you something? That’s the best you can do.

Clones are harder I think but there are reputable and trustworthy breeders out there where I would expect you get exactly what you pay for.


While it does depend a lot on genetics, 90% of my 16oz solo cup grows go smooth with dense flowers. I only keep the top cola of each plant. I also am sure to leave lower foliage until it is necrotic or too yellow, as this is one way the plant brings energy to upper growth – growing when root bound in this container size, and they dry out fast, and expend the soil’s tilth, so this is one thing I do to maintain nice colas. If interested, you can check out my Indoor Garden #1 diary, where I am currently growing 16 different cultivars in a 4x2 in 16oz cups.


Wow, that takes some patients.

I’m planning on just working one or two lines for now, with the one male I have and throw him at a few different females and see what he brings to the table.

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Can this be done with topdressing? I dont use any bottles? what are you doing for feeding? I will defiantly check it out.

Yes, I top-dress a week or so before bloom, with whatever I have on hand. I usually make my own inputs from plant and mineral products, but I have also used Down To Earth’s Rose & Flower Mix as a top dressing with great results.

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awesome super excited to know that. Grinning like a mad scientist over here lol.

This sounds like a solid strategy.

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For normal feeding, I use a living soil mix, with all of the vegetative nutrition it needs, and some for bloom, but it will get spent pretty fast in a small container size, which is why I always top-dress in these small grows. A lot of my larger grows I simply let my custom soil do the work, with flower power inputs layered deeper, and simply just add water. While I have just added water for these small grows before, I will note that your lower foliage will very likely have their energy be put to use for upper growth through phloem transport a lot sooner.

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Throw a big fabric bag in there and if you have your own seeds plant like 2 per sq ft or 4 to cull the rest. No till
Strains react differently to small pots. I find sativas dont like it

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I have thought of this. it does sound like a great idea. Someday I will for sure try and learn no till.

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You should search for this :

Wilma V2 XL 8 11L Nutriculture

Automated, set it and forget, fits in 150 cm x 150 cm tent … beer3|nullxnull


Only $240 for a oops actually 5x5 not 2x2. 150/2.54 right


Can I run that with soil?