How much power is too much?

I forget where I read it but over 5K of useage comes to mind as a number.
I am pretty sure everyone has a smart meter these days, unless you opted out, but I am not sure you can do that forever either.
But according to this I may be wrong.

In 2021, U.S. electric utilities had about 111 million advanced (smart) metering infrastructure (AMI) installations, equal to about 69% of total electric meters installations.

You can tell by looking at em, but I forget what to look for now.
This is from the web
You have a smart meter if the meter number has nine digits and begins with ā€œ2.ā€ (See the ā€œMeter Informationā€ box near the top of your bill.) Check the meter installed on your home. Smart meters are affixed with a Silver Spring Networks sticker at the top of the face of the meter. Analog meters have moving dials.

Found online a map of communities w them I am not in one. Not on the implementation chart


If you are quite techy you could see if it has a wifi signal to be sure.
If it still has a dial it is the old style and you should be good.

Well upon checking the house (and not just energy company site) I am most definitely on a smart meterā€¦. Do they all track funny stuff ? Now Iā€™m sort of concerned they can tell the cycles

I can opt to have it removed and an analog put back but I feel like thatā€™s sort of a shady thing to do no?

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I would think requesting to have a analog put in would make them suspicious.

Unless your using an unreal amount of electricity, I think you will be fine. Like others said, I worry more about a fire or loose lips.


Loose lips arenā€™t a worry Iā€™m the only one. Just nervous about the 18/6 and 12/12 cycles.

Get solar panels installed, it will mess them up every time calculations for electricity and solar supplement are very difficult for them to figure out as you would have to consider too many variables and their are not enough constant for them to use to make an accurate determination, so they would be hard pressed to get a judge to issue a search warrant on that flimsy ass evidence!

It is more like if the cops get tipped off from someone, they could start an investigation and then they would see the meter report.
The utility company has no reason to rat you out, in fact if they do they know they will lose business so not much to worry about there.

When I was not legal I remember thinking I need to stay under 5K, I research a lot of shit and I try to do it pretty well when I do, and this number is stuck in my head from years ago.

Man I hope your usage isnā€™t considered alarming because I just looked at my bill. I used over 2000 kWh last month. 1600ish sqft house btw

BTW it takes a metric fuckton of draw to blowup a transformer. We blew one up twice with a 200 lighter. First was replaced free of charge by the electric company with help of the old boys network, second was aftermarket for 15k


Also Iā€™ve put up to 15 lights in regular rented apartments, usually stick to 8 without problemsā€¦ except ONCE where the previous tenant considered having the lowest electric bill possible an Olympic discipline. They called, told em I just moved in and had a bunch of computers and loved to breed iguanas. Never bothered me againā€¦


I started this thread a day late, I got my numbers today may1-jun1

1,700 kWh. That is for (2) spider farm 1000w

And about 400w of other lights, a 50L Dehumid, two 8ā€ ac infinit fans and some oscilating fansā€¦.

I have (3) 600w about to go on for another room. I assume that will likely double my 1,700 kWh.

Iā€™ll try to run the 1800w so that it turns off right before my 1000w tent turns onā€¦. That should call my mind about the smart meter picking up cyclesā€¦


If you run all 3(600w) at full power 24hrs a day your at an extra 1296kwh.

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How do you calculate that? And I assume thatā€™s at full powerā€¦ at 50% be even less correct?

I want to play w some calculations like 18/6 veg cycles

You could even stagger the three 600w lights to come on and off at different times just so the whole 1800 watts isnt coming on all at once. Maybe 15-20 minutes apart.

1.8kw * hrs * days

I like that! And Iā€™m sure wonā€™t cause any plant issues

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I lost my Viperspectra 1000 watt light. I got this Spider Farm light and I think I had it way to close to my plants as most of my clones looked like crap. I moved it up 20 inches and turned it to 75% . I guess it ll take me awhile to get used to this light. I was wondering how far u guys keep this light away from clones and seedlings???

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