How to choose a male???

This is very much it! This is what I should have been thinking of and thanks for pointing that out rightly.:pray:t3:
Iā€™ve never attempted at breeding as yet and I just wondered how breeders or hobbyists for that matter would think on these lines for selecting a certain sex.
Your answer @Fuel is very comprehensive and Iā€™m certainly getting a jist of the direction your pointing me towards in case I do take on this seriously. Indeed thereā€™s so much to learn and Iā€™m still sitting here only growing for buds.

So, this could be the mantra then.
Thank you for your contribution.:pray:t3:


Everytime I read this Iā€™m learning something new.
Iā€™m blown brother, with all that you know and the way youā€™ve put it across.
Something that I had asked so lightly, youā€™ve taken the care to point out a beautiful way to begin this journey!
I am beginning to get a picture of the hardwork and time spent by breeders in just studying a certain strain and maxing out its potential through in-breeding for generations!
I come from a land with plenty of sativa landraces and Iā€™ve just realized what is in store for me if I wanna get into this for real!
Unfortunately since itā€™s not legal here, selective breeding isnā€™t done by farmers to bring out the potential of that regional strain.
Itā€™s a long difficult journeyā€¦a journey worth exploring!


And you kept it right till the end, its a perfect statement. And I did smoke a whole joint reading your 3options @fuel!

Not-a-Rant, anytime you want !
Hi-lighting some key points.
Thanks & Have a great Day!


@Fuel question? what would make fems just seeds to smoke? What would be the difference from a fem seed to a regular female? Does the fem process make it more likely to herm?

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@iceman as @Fuel said, there are no shortcuts in breeding and you have NO idea what a male will bring to the cross without testing it. So if you are serious and are on a mission. You shouldnā€™t select males after traits. You should select male based on their prodigy. There are lots of ways to quickening the process but as @Fuel mentioned. They are advanced theories that doesnā€™t really get you anywhere if you donā€™t actually know wtf you are doing already.

So my best tip is and have always been, just start chucking. Look through the seeds you made. Collect mothers, test them against different fathers.

Pretty much all the seeds that are commercial available today is polyhybrid chucks which have no thought behind them other then that the parents are famous cuts. Even notorious breeders like Bodhi does the crosses this way, only difference is that Bodhi is very skilled and work with very skilled people, while others are only in the game for a quick buck.

The secret is that almost everyoneā€™s secret is total bullshit. Cannabis breeders have been breeding fire long before they actually understood how breeding works, this is because cannabis is not a hard plant to get strong weed from. You plant the seeds from the strongest female every year and the levels will increase up to a certain point. After that point, the genetics within the cultivar canā€™t be pushed any further and we need to either get lucky and pull a mutation or introduce new dna into the mix.

Pz :v:t2:


How to choose a male: donā€™t.

Let them all live to increase bio diversity, which increases diversity of cannabinoid profiles, which is what we need more of because every human being is unique and is helped most by different cultivars, so the more diversity in plant genetics, the more humans can be helped.


Iā€™m usually walk away from this debate, because itā€™s very biased for both sides. When Iā€™ve saw this product becoming more popular (around 2003/2004) than i was expecting, an entire universe was falling down for me. It was the sign that people no longer was buying genetic, but obviously promised buds. Iā€™ve to write a kilometer of explanations to explain why i was hating that, why iā€™m hating that more now that before and why STS is for me only a good experimental tool for very advanced studies of specimenā€™s phenotype. Not a tool of production. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™ve produced fem seeds myself for Spanish growshops (the cheap ones with multi-label). And actually, i like this little period for the incredible access i had on these times on famous cuts to work for the purpose. At one point you have to accept the flow, then trying to get the positive from the negative over to just give up. Iā€™ve give up a little later ^^, when Iā€™ve finally understood that my time and my manner to see the things was done for good on a large scale. Itā€™s why i love Overgrow, itā€™s a bit of everything like it was previously.

Most of people understand that iā€™m hating the growers of feminized seeds, itā€™s not true. Iā€™m hating the consequences Iā€™ve saw coming a long time ago, as a whole. Add to it that iā€™m a seed ogre and that i love to grow males as much than growing females. For me it was a game since the very beginning, so the nostalgia count also. Iā€™m growing for seeds first, then the weed expressed by the females is a all-in-one companion : a judge on what Iā€™ve done, a book of a strain/line to read and understand ā€¦ well the weed is not so a finality for me. So yes, iā€™m unable to understand the fems users. Iā€™m just understanding their logic about space.

And yes for me, feminized plants are sub-product i will not lie by diplomacy or whatever. And iā€™m still dreaming to a serious semi-private cup where everything is ā€œadmitedā€, not categorized and tested blindly for that reason. But it will not be popular and not sponsored like hell, so useless to chock people.

I will try to expose you quickly what i think, but you have to remember who write it (Iā€™ve exposed honestly my bias now). Fundamentally, i put on the same table twos methods : backcrossing and STS (reversing, selfing, voodoo whateverā€¦). And generally itā€™s where i lost the audience ^^

These twos methods have something in common in practice, and for the output : youā€™re ā€œbrute forceā€ a phenotype. The hard way. Youā€™re not juggling with traits and alleles in different sequences (generations) anymore, youā€™re crushing the code with an unique phenotype. And, trust me or not, at its times the intensive use of the backcrossing by a breeder was seen like i see the STS.

More disturbing : my second favorite strain is an insane backcross, the Sweet Tooth #3. And iā€™m suffering on it since near twos decades. Iā€™m not even at the point to have stabilized it and iā€™m only in F8. The seeds are germinating in front of me atm, and itā€™s always a big stress for the hell that is coming in selection ^^ To give you an idea, to obtain 9 finalists with this line i need around 700 liters of medium (soil actually).

Pancake-scientists will turn white in reading that but the output of a backcrossing and a STS offspring are washed specimens. Of course, you canā€™t compare the level of pressure (insane for the STS) but on a conceptual level itā€™s the same. Iā€™ve explained in the big line, what kind of hell is it to work a backcross on long term to remove the necessity to work with the referenceā€™s cut (blueberry and SPG in my case) ā€¦ in making the things worst each time. Now with STS, try to figure out with a pressure that is a thousand times stronger and with uncontrolled denatured DNA portions. Within twos generations itā€™s simply the chaos, even if you backcross to the P1 (not reversed). And yes the occurrence of herms are drastically increased, these seeds are not made for that at all. They are made to be used as final product directly.

Now, iā€™ve nothing against the people that are working with herms. I personnaly love the ECSD as a weed and as a cut to work also, big fan (but i known what i get genetically). You see, itā€™s complicated.
But using a feminized offspring to launch long term project, itā€™s like cutting your feets just before doing a marathon. No sense, itā€™s already hard enough.

By extension, for pure growers only, i donā€™t see any problem to make a motherplant etc ā€¦ thatā€™s not my point at the moment youā€™re fair and responsible for all of us in saying itā€™s a feminized cut in sharing it, or maded with a fem as P1. Iā€™ve nothing against that fundamentally. You will just change your mind instantly if you share a blunt with me from the initial P1 not reversed, and maybe ask me a fem bag of that on the fly, and complain that itā€™s not at all at the level of what youā€™ve smoked with me.

Itā€™s an interpretation, but i donā€™t blame you because my horrible grammar. In fact iā€™m strictly thinking, practicing and promoting (in vain) the reverse. Without inbreeding it, iā€™m no longer interested in cannabis. Not even to smoke it, it lost all my interest. I prefer dogs if I compare, they will revive my passion to play with the gears of the creation ^^. But itā€™s another game.

I really want to show you how much youā€™re irrational to think it, but with good intentions. Not to convince you in any way.

First important thing to get out from the grower perspective, is to have empathy for those playing with breeding. And for that you have to see others things that only the most bankable reality (fairy tales, buds and enormous females that have so much nutrients in their vegetal mass that they can send you to a clinic lol and of course the shiny catalog ā€œproduced in gigantic greenhouses under 100KW HPS with 200 employeesā€.

Iā€™m feeling that I donā€™t have to explain to you, that selecting a motherplant to smoke daily is not the same that selecting eventually P1 for years. Itā€™s not a matter of a 10-bag you get from website, but a matter of your own seeds because youā€™re eating them at an insane level. I let you try to evaluate how much will cost this germination with an average of 50ā‚¬/ten seeds. By the way, i love these seed sprouter and i hardly advise them. You can change the water often quickly, fast, without touching the seeds. They are comfy, get never dry. And itā€™s cheap as hell.

So just at this point, itā€™s easy to imagine that you have to plant this bunch of seeds. Individually. But also giving them an ID code and start to take notes at the moment youā€™re sowing it. By example, when at the end, you have to choose between twos identical specimens ā€¦ you will choose the one sowed first. Just an example. But multiply that by an average of 25 to 50 traits under intensive watching all over the life of EACH plant. No matter how you do it, like an obsessionnal fool, like a hippie, more on tortures and darwinism (like Breeder Steve / father of ST#3) ā€¦ it doesnā€™t matter if the concrete results are there.

And itā€™s what happend to the slower ones generally ^^ The other being in veg since a while and barely ready to switch in flowering phase. Just to figure out that these plants are not machines, code or any other automated thing. You have to face the unexpected each time youā€™re germinating a single seed.

Now itā€™s more how it look like when you have to put the bread on the table with it. Donā€™t miss the plastic cup on the background ^^

Itā€™s where iā€™m quoting the most important, and ambivalent, input of your opinion on that matter :

They are advanced theories that doesnā€™t really get you anywhere if you donā€™t actually know wtf you are doing already.

Absolutely. 100th true. But i think that your error of empathy and consideration is considering the whole work as a rush, not as a marathon. You miss also the experience on strains accumulated.

Today, with hundreds of seeds launched on this line and a good dozen of failed parallel lines (iā€™m not a pancake-scientist able to see trough the DNA code like Neo, that never fail) ā€¦ i can select the Sweet Tooth #3 in any type of context, with any number of specimens and in any context ^^ Within one week of vegetative stage, i known allready the specimens iā€™ve to kill. Iā€™ve saw them allready, many times. And i known the ones iā€™ve to keep until the hormonal switch, because itā€™s a the point to known the exact taste of the weed they will ouput without a single flower on the specimen. Male or female, they are just sisters and brother. They are the same plant with the vast majority of same traits.

Thatā€™s the role of the human in this game. Be the memory of the lines, with a notation system or not. You have to known them all like your own childrens, and itā€™s only possible if you aim at long term.
And you canā€™t start directly in knowing everything from the F1, you have to live it.

So iā€™m expecting in secret that you realize that using the pollen of all males and testing on the fly all the lines donā€™t have any sense in cannabis breeding. Make the maths with the pics in mind (very little labs, the ones considered as ā€œchunkersā€ by the big ones), how many lifespĆ¢n to output a decent hybrid like that ^^ A fews.

Methodism, no matter what style, permit to reduce drastically the lenght of time and to never roll the dices. You want to drive your plants from the start, not the reverse.

Now remember the table with cups in background. All these specimens was culled (+ another round) to obtain twos finalist specimens, that ouput that :

ECSD x Skywalker F1

Without the cut, multiply by twos the needs for specimens and dead-early-culled-seedlings, plants, budding females, herms, mutants ā€¦

And yes this plant is why i love/hate the herm ECSD. Iā€™ve made it the bad way by obligation. And itā€™s my biggest frustration. A stupid one, itā€™s not even a weed i want smoke daily. Iā€™m hooked to something simple, classic and not hyped at all : the JH for life lol


I forgot this part. Iā€™ve seen the bodhi start, we shared space for auctions and that under the very dominant shadow of Subcool. I love both of them (rip sub), but sub was also criticized this way. Both act righly with the plants (from my perspective) with results that are more than decent. And I think that itā€™s hard to find more different breeders from one to another ^^ Growers, customers, ā€œcasual peopleā€ in general always emit critics that are non sense and lack totally of empathy for the backstage. Just a proof right now. You have seen all these pics but iā€™m 100% sure that you was not imagining one second to wash all these pots. Continously. All day ^^ Stupid example to express the lack of interrest in humans behind the seeds today.

Even the quick-buck-chunkers youā€™re flaming. Itā€™s not even the reality ^^ The pics you saw is the reality of the quick-buck-seeds little hands. There is no gigantic greenhouse and fabulous teams, but plenty of dudes with sometimes tents in their bedrooms. The seed industry is mostly like a peer-to-peer model since a while now. I remember one epic day when iā€™ve shown my work to someone asking for service. ā€œWhat is this plant ? Never seen before ?ā€ It was a male ^^ True story, and the guy is an heavy weight in the Spanish game. They donā€™t give a fuck, they answer to a demand and they have the money for it.
I canā€™t even blame them, people ask them shitty things. They sell them shitty things.