Breeders Syndicate Codex

Wondering if anyone had thoughts on the launch of the Breeders Syndicate Codex.

Just from my first quick look at it, and how it works, I quite like it.
It’s obviously still bare bones at the moment, but features a lot of what is considered the building blocks of modern Cannabis.
I can see this becoming a valuable resource if its maintained correctly and updated regularly.



Information Certainty

Total Disagreement

Certainty meme

Neat. I think, if they’re being truthful, a lot of entries are going to end up in this category; but it’s a cool idea. If only the people most involved weren’t inevitably subject to countless conflicts of interest and ulterior motives simply by their choice of profession, it would be a lot more useful. :stuck_out_tongue: Every time they agree there’s solid information on something, a few clicks later I’m sure I’ll find out I can buy it from these Good Samaritans who want nothing more than truth, freedom and lot$$$ of money.


Am listening to it now… :hear_no_evil:

Matt Riot is a lot more tolerable than he was on his Potcast interview a few years ago.

Had an audio interview with NL/Seattle Greg which was something new to me.

Seems to be caught up in a bit of trying to do too much; a lot of “false-starts” with some of the episodes.

Nevertheless this stoner is glad to have stuff to listen to. :+1:



He definitely has a very abrasive character to him hahaa, I do quite like the breeders syndicate podcats, I’ve been working my way through them recently.
There does seem to be a lot of repeated stories when Matt and Notso go off on tangents :smile: but that’ll happen when you record stoners talking for hours.

Yeh, I know what you mean. I do believe the info that they currently have is well researched though. I just hope that they’re willing to update the Codex if new shit comes to light.



Ak47 is skunk1 x bubblegum ?
Chem d is daughter of chem 91?
Bubba kush is berger cut x the kush?
Cali o is a skunk hybrid bred by Sam?



:rofl::rofl::rofl: don’t know how you can get that wrong or even think that’s what the lineage is


They missed even the known ones lol

Zero research done. They asked chat gpt or the cashier at McDonald’s :man_shrugging:


To be fair on this one, I’ve heard a few times now that Chem 91 is the original, and all the others (D, sis, #4 etc) are likely just hybrids of it.
And that the Chem 91 itself is likely an S1.



Yeah, this one hit me aswell! Especially as someone who have smoked a lot of afghan landraces and got both phenos and exact terps from some Afghans…

Pz :v:t2:

1 Like

Well sure, for the lines we’re missing chunks of the story they can speculate its fine.

The this and that chem is a cross originate from the premise we don’t find chem4 when we self chemd, vise versa and same for the bunch of them.

Which frankly is not the most solid reasoning


The idea is great, especially if they continue to develop it with the goal to empower us enthusiasts, instead of the tools we have today which is not very accurate. But there is definitely some improvements to be done.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeh thats true, unfortunately the majority of linages and genetics with this plant will be like this.

Like I said, I know it’s not exact and hopefully they will update and amend when new information becomes available.

They do also state when it’s guesswork, if they or positive or if its speculative.
They could be a bit more solid on what those terms actually mean though, for clarity.



It would be especially interesting if they found a way to provide the “proof” behind some of the findings with good UX and UI. Where you could be your own critic and see their logic, and might be able to provide with flaws to the logic.

Pz :v:t2:


With the ak47 exemple they open the subject with its skunk1 bubblegum. Then all the way at the bottom they say, yeah we know Simon said the lineage is secret and a mix of landraces etc

95% of the lines on the codex so far are of known origins, all wrongly stated tho

Anyway, was fun reading through it. But I don’t like it, I’ll check back in a year :grin:


I would just like to know if anyone has made use of knowing the genetic lineage. So you know AK-47 is mex x afghan x Colombian then used that info while breeding to use specific genetics that provided a measurable benefit.
Is there even a case of that we can explore?


@shade Well, this is just my experience, but the AK47 pheno can be found quite easily in various afghan landraces. Simons Seeds are just a refined version of what is already there. Even the high is the same :laughing: Look for afghan cultivars which have various range of nld to bld.

Pz :v:t2:


I personally can’t stand all the “stories” at the end of the day no one will know until you can genetically sequence them. Just cause they say something doesn’t make it so, I get the whiff of too much stoner logic sometimes. They lost me when they tried to rename Northern Lights to Northern Lites. Until we can sequence them I will enjoy the plant I have in front of me and not worry too much about it’s supposed history.


I prove heritage is important everytime I chop still vegetating plants in the snow. :wink:


Majority of people don’t have the time to hunt through all those genetics anymore. Or even have the will to do that. It takes years and a lot of space to come up with a genetic line like ak-47. That’s not what the industry is about these days. You take someone else’s work and cross it with another person’s work and now you can call yourself a breeder in today’s market.


AK is a crazy one for me, probably smoked it 100x and couldn’t tell you anything about it. I just wonder at what point we have to invent recall to explain things and how those manufactured or altered memories impact these origin stories.
Not advocating at all that people’s passions and hobbies aren’t worthwhile, that’s for everyone to decide for themselves.
Also my memory is very selective. And I’m out of likes.