How will results differ when crossing two fem autoflowers

When crossing two different feminized autoflower cultivars I am curious to how result might differ depending on which plant gets the STS. How much does my choice matter? What’s the science behind it?

Or should I just pick whichever one I want to self more? Two birds with one stone sort of thing.


Can’t wait to see what the veteran breeders will say about this question.


We’ll see what the experts opine, but from what I’ve read it doesn’t much matter. In the end pollen meets ovum and away you go!

Cheers and best “breeding” luck,


There is absolutely no evidence suggesting that it matters! But there are still some pitfalls to look out for.

When you use STS the structure of the plant won’t change, so the sacks will be very tight and on really good indicas with rock hard nugs, the sacks will become so tight so it will effect the quality of the pollen. So when I fem cross, I’ll always fem that plant of the two I feel that least chance for this to happend.

Pz :v:t2:


Great advice☝🏻

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