Which Has More Influence Female Or Male Plant

I know there’s lots of variables which all make a difference so the best answer is “it depends” but if you had to take sides…

Say you have only regular (non-feminized) seeds of a strain called “Heirloom7” and you wanted to breed it with a very different strain called “Heirloom21” also regular seeds…
And say you had your fingers crossed and we’re hoping for the offspring seeds to be a tiny bit more like the Heirloom21…which would you use for the female? The Heirloom7 or the Heirloom21?
Just based on your anecdotal research/experience.

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Have you listened to the potcast @fastarkid? I think you would love it. Deep dive conversations with the best breeders answering questions just like this!


From what I’ve read and researched both parents give 50% of their genetics to the offsprings and each will have recessive traits. With that said, I’ve had a excellent female and a not so excellent male produce offsprings that I was looking for than a excellent female and excellent male. I know the males that you would ultimately be looking for are the ones that let the mom shine through and not run all over the females and that take a lot of testing of the offsprings.
If you’re not looking to line breed then you could always back cross to Heirloom #21up to 3 generations (bx3) to get very close to where you want to be.
In this particular case I’d just go with Heirloom 21 as the mom because it’s easier to pick a mom than the dad.


I love a good podcast.
Where, which & name of that podcast??

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The POT cast!

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(With hand up in the air since it is related) I crossed a Dinamed CBD with a Cherry Wine F2 (which is a CBD strain) nut I tried the Cherry Wine last night and it has more THC in it that I want. Is it worth it yet to cross the original Dinamend with some of the males at this point or are the odds still minimal my hitting it out of the park and getting a low THC plant?

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Are you doing a Beam test or something else?


Visualize what you want, give that desire a great deal of love, then let it go and trust that it will be so.


No, just the old smoke test.

@Rogue That would be wonderful but I have the attention span of a squirrel and the mind wonders to easily.

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I’ve heard breeders on the Potcast talk about how the male brings the potency and structure and the female manipulates the flowering time. This is all circumstantial and something I’ve just heard ppl talk about when it comes to breeding. I’m sure it’s to be taken with a grain of salt but I’ve just heard this more than a few times from breeder interviews so it would seem to me that it’s a pretty common thing.

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You’re thinking about crossing the original dinamed to the cherry wine F2 males? (the females had too much THC?)

The males of the Dinamed x Cherry Wine. Not sure if that would introduce more of the Dinamed into the seeds than the last run. Or if it is premature to do that?

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I think since that cross wound up having more THC than you wanted and you’re wanting to breed towards the CBD, that might not be the greatest. You’ll wind up with some higher THC phenos. Might be best to grow out some dinamed x cherry wine females and clone them all, sample each one. Maybe pollinate your choice of low THC phenos with a Dinamed male so you know you’re getting what you want. Just spitballing here.

Bro you should get a commission!:rofl:
I’m a huge fan of the potcast also. Most educational cannabis podcast out there that I’m aware of. Heavy Dayze is putting in work🙌🏽


I was going to grow them out and sample but that is a long way off. I was really hoping the Cherry Wine would have me some straight CBD and this would just be my mucking around to learn something new. I only have a female Dinamed, no male. That was the reason for thinking of backcrossing it with a few of the current males.

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Damn… I started two Cherry wine seedlings for the wife, hope there isn’t much THC in those. Looks like you’re a bit limited on options

The Cherry Wine is not that bad as far as THC is concerned but I want something that I would have no issue driving with. I am much more cautious than in my extended youth. I must have had an angel on my shoulder. That is why I am pretty wary now days. I must have used up most of my good luck back then.

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It all depends on the combination of genetics and the plants you select.

In general, you can expect that your hybrids will be different than either pure line and express some characteristics from both parents.

female plants that are non-dominant double recessive phenotypical expressions (like an old og kush cutting for example) will be dominated by the male genetics.

If you happen to select a recessive pheno from the male line, the cross could come out much like the parent female.

this also happens when you are breeding with a pure line. Phenotypical expression will be altered based on the traits of the parents you select.

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