Question about making crosses

I have a question. Let’s say I take two female plants A and B. I reverse each one and collect pollen. If I use A to pollinate B (AB) and B to pollinate A (BA). Would you consider AB to be the same as BA?


I don’t understand your terms
You get pollen from a side male?
That male as I understand it
Can change a lot of stuff
Where he come from etc
Traits etc
Im no Breeder, but have had great results just taking great shit
Crossing it with great shit
And smoking great shit lol.
I’m not very helpful I know.


He’s talking about making fem seeds. Does it matter which plant gets reversed is what they are trying to get at I think.


Yes, potentially the same. A-on-B and B-on-A will not have a drastic difference in term of global pheno’s generation. But in term of expression (then variation) it can have an impact, no matter if the two lines are close or not.

Fast version :

  • Influence N°1 : the strategy in term of genetic
  • Influence N°2 : the sense of the pollen donor and its type of dominance
  • Influence N°3 : your ease to decipher the resulting progeny, recognizing the smart or the dumb choice ^^

In choosing the prevalence of the pollen donor, you’re choosing a kind of style of the variations. It’s not arithmetic and automatic, the weight of the pollen donor depend mostly on the quality of interaction between the two lines.

By example, outcrossing a Cheese with the pollen of a Skunk#1 female don’t ouput the same thing at all than crossing a Cheese with the pollen of a Cheese Hybrid female.

In this case, both are a BX. Only one reinforce the Cheese.