Howard's Hunt for Headstash

I just tried the orange goji for the first time a few days ago and it really is killer. It’s got a very distinctive flavor that reminds me of old weed from the 90s, kinda floral/incense/cherry-ish? Definitely orange/citrus in there too. A very happy and fun potent smoke to boot.

From the sounds of it tons of f2s are getting made round these parts by various people so I’m sure you’ll be able to get your hands on some eventually!


Ah that sounds nice going to drop some rain city blues and something else I just can’t decide they all sound excellent. So Rain City Blues with bubbaxsweettooth, double bubba,m99 and Bubba Blues. IDK which one would you try with RCB? I can’t make my mind up. I’m waiting on some secret Chief X orange sunshine in the mail from 50state they will be run at the same time but I want a couple bubbas.


That Bubba x Sweet Tooth is a favorite of ours, but I’d probably go with the Bubba Blues to keep it all in the family, lol.

I’m actually chopping some heavily seeded Orange Goji today, and from the looks of it I’m gonna end up with a pretty sizable amount of F2 seeds myself :wink:


That’s awesome, I’m glad they’re being preserved :+1: I might do some myself too.


Ahh the iconic red cup great for beer pong or growing cannabis :wink:


Heck yeah. Love them, so convenient. :smile:


Pretty sure my 3-A plants are Apollo x Snow Lotus BX.

In any case, they’re pretty interesting.

This one didn’t do too well, what with being extremely neglected and being fed wrong (damn this thing is picky, btw) during my illness, but it’s definitely showing some interesting traits.

Quick dried early samples were pretty interesting. Very up and motivating, and decently potent considering. I was going to toss the clones prior to smoking it, but I think I’ve changed my mind now.

In any case it’s fully seeded from the Orange Goji male, so those should be some fun seeds to sort through at some point. I expect lots of frost on that combination :wink:


Damn that’s one blue bitch, very nice Howard, wish my success were half as good as your almost fails.
Think I’m going to be playing with Black Pearl by Mr. Natural, part of the blue family.


That sounds interesting! I love pretty much anything from the Blueberry family.

Here’s a couple Blueberry relatives I have in my tent right now. These have been pollinated by my best Orange Goji male.


I’d love to test that blueberry orange goji. BOG


Sure thing. Remind me in a couple weeks after the seeds are harvested and dried, and I’ll send you a pack.


3 things I like
Orange goji
Seeds bred by @Howard.Crane


I guess I should add this is Howard’s Bubba s1 X LD420. And this is in a solo cup and its been abused to high hell.


Heh. Thanks, I appreciate kind words :slight_smile:

That’s a beautiful plant you got there, nice job!

Unrelated to anything, I was just looking through my grow log notes on that Rain City Blues, and discovered this entry from January:

When you’ve spent two minutes just standing in the kitchen staring with unfocused eyes at the coffee pot in your hand, wondering how you’d go about calculating its mass moment of inertia, you know, if you had to for some reason, you slowly come to the realization that you might be kind of stoned.

When you subsequently realize that you’ve just spent the following two minutes having a sensible chuckle about how that’s a thing that happened, you begin to understand that you are a bit more stoned than you thought you were.


If you have any extra I’d love to grow them next to the 3 Orange GOGI I scraped up from the seed run (didn’t have my badges, but I saw you and jet grow them. Happy to trade something from my growing list…:yum:


Hate to count my seeds before they’re shucked, but…

Should have plenty, if what I’ve seen so far holds true for the rest of the plant.

Probably going to be a couple weeks before they’re ready, and I have a really terrible memory, so remind me and I’ll send you a pack.


Will do brother, thanks. Here’s the Black Pearl I’m working with, have two variety of purple Thai also.


I have more seed than I can ever grow. I just sent 8 orange goji seeds to another member the other day cause of his generosity. Don’t have a lot left… shoot me a list and maybe I can be persuaded

Great seeds but I’ve given away more than I have grown. Whats the point of great seeds sitting in my fridge


Beautiful plants Howard, those pinkish purple flowers stunning


Oh, I thought that was to me lol.

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