Howard's Hunt for Headstash

Liking that haze, 65% humidity, damn you in h the tropics Howard?
Nice plants I’ll pull up a chair and burn a fatty…,.OG on


Heh. It’s usually pretty low here, but it appears that the plants are transpiring so much that they are controlling their own climate right now :wink:


I have a few Bangi Haze that are making their 3rd node, looking for a nice Haze for my head stash…when I was running 20/20 flip my room used to get Brutal late in the grow. I’m running all my equatorial strains over summer so they should be used to the climate.

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I’ve been interested in Bangi Haze for a long time now, but haven’t had the chance to try it yet. I’m always on the hunt for a good haze or haze hybrid.

I’ve decided that I am not at all sad about not getting to pollinate that Zak Haze yet. I’m a little nervous about the possibility of losing the backup clones I have before I get the chance to run them, but I’m really looking forward to smoking this stuff :smile:

Some time in the near future I’m going to be giving @Jetdro’s Amnesia Haze x Orange Goji a proper run too. I’m really looking forward to that.


Yeah I just got the Orange Goji in trade so it’s in line. Followed Jeds and your runs of it and it sounds delicious. My Purple Thai has the Razor leafs so a male of it may play with her.


Super busy today, so not likely to throw up any pics, but…

I gotta say: That Durban x Jungle Spice is a really odd duck. I seriously can’t place the smell, no matter how hard I try. This morning right after rubbing some sugar leaves on the biggest one it smelled like “baby powder and perfume”, but faded to more of a “Tootsie Roll and flowers” smell about fifteen minutes later. If that sounds implausible, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe that’s where my brain just gave up and said “fuck it, I don’t know man. Give it another sniff, lol.”

Also: holy crap this thing is floppy. And so tall it only fits in the tent by flopping sideways. And really really wants to be the only plant in the tent. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking not staking it early on, and not removing more of the branches.

I have made a number of poor decisions this round, and not fully appreciating how crazy this shit was going to get despite the fact that I should have known better is one of the biggest. I blame being sick as hell, and having more enthusiasm than brainpower :wink:!


Happens to me all the time. :joy:

That’s when it’s time to get creative. In the worst cases, I’ve even topped mid flower. Doh!


R.I.P. Joesy! You will be missed by many who appreciate you and your contributions to the cannabis community.

The way that he passed on cuts of the original GG#4 freely and encouraged everyone to spread it freely far and wide was truly an inspirational act.


Zak Haze

Definitely liking this stuff. Smells great, and is stacking nicely. What a pleasure to grow!

The Zak Haze has almost entirely obscured its more broad-leafed companion in the corner (below), unfortunately. Lesson learned, lol.


Speaking of obscuring the neighbors…

The Durban x Jungle Spice (not pictured) is doing its level best to steal the light from these much shorter plants:

I’m going to be doing more staking and tying of those floppy ladies today, and may have to remove some of the tops. I’ll try to get some pics up later.


Doing that Zak Haze justice. Looking good. I can almost smell it from here.


As it turns out, the Zak Haze is lightly pollinated, and I’ve found several buds which have young seeds in them.

It seems most likely to me to be from the three females I was trying to reverse, which had formed a few clusters of male flowers down below and may have dumped a bit of pollen before I removed them.

It’s also possible, though to my mind a bit less likely, that some stray pollen from the Orange Goji found its way there from the next room over.

I’m hoping it’s the former scenario that’s responsible, though :wink:

So I’ll either end up with a batch of S1 seeds to reverse and backcross to one of the clones I kept, or Zak Haze x Orange Goji seeds that might produce a male which I can backcross to an original clone. I should think it will be relatively easy to tell which when the time comes, but either way a bx is the plan.

Either way I’m not unhappy about it, though I had sort of had my hopes set on smoking a bunch of flower this time after having resigned myself to the idea that my efforts to reverse a few of the clones had (seemingly) failed.

In other news, I hurt my back again. Everything’s now on LITFA schedule until further notice. Should be interesting to see how that turns out, lol.


Got some feedback on that Orange Goji for post #777, lol :wink:



Can’t beat that for a review! Awesome grow @Howard.Crane did the number 2 have a strong orange terp profile?


Both phenos I got had noticably orange scent, but not as strong as the Orange x Skunk/Haze I grew a few years ago. The #1 pheno has more of an orange/pine sweetness, while the #2 is “orange and spiced figs” according to my wife. Both are pretty loud, very terpy.

The number one way out-produced the number two, but the number two was the frostier of the two. The number two was well above average in the yield department, though.

I still have some F2 seeds @Jetdro sent me that I want to sort through, and of course the F2 seeds I’m making now. I’ll probably find that Orange Creamsicle pheno eventually :smile:


Dude, that’s “Sour” Orange Creamsicle. :rofl: It was so good, but your flavors sound amazing too! Hoping I get a female. :pray:


heh mabbe cross Orange Goji with MaMilk we got as freebies from OleReynard? I had MTG’s Orange Creamsicle as a dispo product (link is seedfinder strain page) was pretty good.


All this talk about Orange Goji is killing me sounds too damn good I am late to the party so I missed out on that one. I’m trying to figure out which one of these bubba seeds of yours to try first. I got Double Bubba, Bubba X Sweet Tooth and Bubba Blues to pick from kinda leaning towards the Double Bubba but the bubba x sweet tooth sounds pretty good couldn’t find anything info on Bubba Blues maybe you could shed some light on that one for me. Thank you again for your help with my Blueberry Temple project I think it is going to be an awesome project.


Hey Howard is the bubba blues a cross of bubba and rain city blues?

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Its Bubba and the father of Rain City Blues, which was as perfect an example of a Blueberry-line male as I’ve ever seen. It was super vigorous, with lovely double serrated leaves, a heavenly scent on the stem rub, dense flower clusters, and other than a very slight amount of variegation had none of the mutations that are common to Blueberry genetics.

I liked it so much that I kept a bunch of pollen, and will occasionally bust out a packet and pollinate any outstanding females I come across, which is how that cross came about :wink: