Hypochlorous Acid......a Deep Dive

You mean I can use a HCL generator and obtain HOCL Just by keeping It in a different pH range?

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Before I put my size 11 foot in my mouth, think I’ll let Bob @BudBusterPro and the ‘experts’ chime in. I don’t know about anything about HCL generators, but my ‘off-the-cuff’ rely is “Yep”! (Bro Science WARNING! Mine have all been sold to me as “HOCL” generators.) :upside_down_face:



You were talking about those On Amazon with 300ml tanks are likely to fail in a matter of weeks?
I wouldn’t use a lot of HOCL but I won’t buy a piece of crap which fails After I processed 2 batches

Agreed, they suck! :rofl: but mine each last a few months of ‘heavy’ use. At about $30 a shot it’s been worth it, but it feels like shit to watch a 16 year-old on You-tube build one for $5 in parts and his I-phone charger! Plus, I want at least a 1/2 gallon a time! :roll_eyes:



I m here to Watch and learn if we can find a way to DIY It.Also I ll search for this video on YT
Anyway,I can only see Hypoclorite generators on Amazon,not Hypoclorous acido generators.Can you post the one you buy?
Edit:I found the guy with the Iphone charger doing it

Yobro, I buy mine on Asia’s version of Amazon, “Lazada”…but I don’t think they’ll ship to you outside of Thailand???

I’m still gonna say wait for Bob to chime in, but I think the ones you are looking at are the same and that ‘yes’ you just keep the pH ‘correct’ the whole time. Now I can’t remember if it’s an entirely different thread on the same subject, or somewhere back where I just can’t find it - but there are links to various ones Bob has talked with lots of people using and it holds uP well. (Better quality diodes).

Pretty sure I posted pics of one of mine in my “First Time Growing…legally” thread? Probably back in December or so? First Time (growing legal that is)!

From post 188;





I bought one last spring. Made atleast 15 gallons small amounts at a time with the directions in beginning of thread. We sprayed 120 cbd plants. It’s still going as I packed it up for next spring. Hell if it doesn’t work next year I’d buy another one.


Bartovation are the strips I use. I couldn’t find those ones that go from 0-300ppm, with easily differentiated colors, though. That’s what I was looking for. I have ones that go up to 1000 (because I was making 500ppm), and the ones that go up to 200 (hydrione brand I think), which came with the generator.

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Anyone know what the membrane does?
And do the amazon ones have said membrane?
That could be the kill factor in DIY.


It looks like They send It all over the world,since I m gonna use 1 liter every week,It seems like It could last a while from what you’re saying

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Nitt turned me on to this deal. Works great.


Morning Guys and Gals, hope you are all looking forward to a nice Thanksgiving weekend.

Let’s start with the basics…generating hypochlorous acid is an ‘electrolysis’ procedure.
Any AC source is transformed to DC. The voltage is immaterial; however, the amperage is important.
The more amperage you have, the more quickly you can make more concentrated acid.

The metal content of your electrode is important. Stick with titanium or Stainless steel electrodes for best results.

It’s not that a little USB machine won’t make hypochlorous acid, it just takes an incredibly long time to get any concentration.

YES, if you have a bleach (hypochlorite) generator you CAN MAKE hypochlorous acid…you just need to follow the same recipe which I’ll cut and paste below. (Remember you may use kosher salt {Non iodized}, or Potassium Chloride in equal amounts for the process). Keep in mind that the recipe below is to make a LITER (Quart of acid).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Got my bluelab PH pen setup last night and did a bunch of hypochlorous measurements. 1 L distilled water 2 grams potassium chloride and 1 teaspoon distilled vinegar 5% tested at 3.6 PH before running the machine.

After the first 5 minute cycle the PH rose to 5.2. I then added another teaspoon distilled vinegar which dropped the PH to 4.2. Then I ran the second 5 min cycle and the PH rose to 5.1. I added another teaspoon of vinegar bring the PH back down to 4.4. After running another cycle it rose back to 5.0. I added another teaspoon brining the PH to 4.6 and ran another cycle which rose it to 4.8ph. I added another teaspoon and the PH dropped to 4.7. I ran the fifth cycle and the PH dropped to 4.6.

After that I added additional vinegar in 1 teaspoon increments to lower the PH for storage. 1 for storage dropped it to 4.5, 2 to 4.4, 3 to 4.3, 4 to 4.2, 5 to 4.2, 6 to 4.1, 7 to 4.0, 8 to 4, 9 to 3.9, 10 to 3.9, 11 to 3.8 and 12 to 3.8 ph.

I tested the finished Hypochlorous with the new PH and vinegar procedure and it seems MUCH stronger then what I was getting before. I watered it down 7x and it still hit 100+ on the chlorine strips.

I was trying to land each cycle in this range and then drop the PH further for shelf stability after the 5th cycle.

I have noticed that even the newer EcoOne machine is now cheaper, but also no longer has the power setting options of the original.


Looking at this pH chart, you can see why you want to keep your pH between 3.5-5.5 for maximum preservation/efficiency.

Finally, I REALLY discourage anyone from trying to make hypochlorous acid out of household bleach !
Household bleach has many additives (surfactants, thickeners, fragrance) that are undisclosed and we have no idea what the hell they’re going to do to our plant tissue, but I sure as hell don’t think it will be beneficial !!!

That’s about all I can add. I have not spent hours searching the web for generators so there may be many I’ve missed !


Ummm stainless steel may work well but it makes chromates. Verrrry bad for us and the environment. Erin Brokovich said so.


Hey there my friend,
I purchased a generator from a company called Controlomatic, got a “blemished” unit on sale for $189, their non-blemished units they sell for like $489 or something, but will make 5 gallons at a time. Considering what they want for an Eco plus on Amazon, I snatched one while I could.
I also needed to be able to make larger batches like you do for my backpack fogger.
Take a look and see if they still have some blemished unit’s available.
I looked at mine when it arrived, and still can’t find why they rejected it from a sellable 1st unit.


I went in for the same deal. No regrets so far.


@budleydoright I went and bought one as soon as you posted it!!! Just couldn’t see spending the money on an Eco and making a shitload of small batches to accommodate what I needed to make.
Thanks for posting it!!!


Thanks bro! I was on it like Larry Flint! I wrote to them asking what size the $99 blemished units are (They very carefully do NOT say on the webpage!). They wrote back but not with the answer to what I asked! But they said their shipping department is on holiday until next week anyway. I’ve written back and hope they reply. They said they are willing to ship to Thailand…just a matter of cost now! But with that savings it’ll be worth it! Thanks again to Bob @BudBusterPro andd everybody else that’s chimed in to help make sure all OGers know about it!



@Tlander I think the $99 units are the smaller one. The $189 blemished is what you’d want if they still have any available.
You want the Nature-Chlor MAX
I just looked and the $99 is the small unit.
They still have the MAX listed as available in a blemished unit.


I just went back thru the website and investigated.
The $99 NatureChlor will do 1 gallon batches
The $189 NatureChlor MAX will do 5 gallon batches.
@budleydoright is the OGer who turned me on to it, when he posted he got the MAX blemished unit and it would do 5 gallon batches, I couldn’t resist and ordered it immediately.


555! You guys got me going bro! :rofl: I wanted the 1 gallon, but was afraid it was the 1 liter one for $99…but 5 gallons at $189 and I could REALLY go to town with the backpack fogger! :crazy_face: Of course shipping is probably substantially more for the bigger model too!
