Coming out of retirement and first time with autos.

Alright so I hope to make this pretty short, I probably won’t though. Forgive me if I put more details in this than I need to.

So first I haven’t grown autos ever. I hear that the yield is smaller, and I know that varies by strain, but I’m wondering how small. If I do a decent (not good, decent) job about how much on average would yall say I’ll get? I probably only have room to do one at a time, and maybe if lucky have a second on starting near the time of harvest for the first. So what I’m really asking is can I expect more than 28 grams? More than 56?

Second, and probably more important. I have zero set up, this is sort of a spur of the moment decision based on the fact that what I get through various means from a dispensary runs me about 300-400 for 14 grams give or take, and I figure that’s a grow tent at least. So now I’m asking for the expert help of OG.

I’ve read that autos tend to be short and bushy, how tall (again medians/averages, I know it varies by strain, environment, etc.) are we talking, and how much can staking it and having it grow in a given direction help that?

So here’s what I need expert help with, what sort of tent sizes should I be looking at? What sort of gear would everyone recommend? I have not a clue about LED lights, but apparently they are the new go to thing, so recommendations on lights? I heard for one plant a 250w LED panel should be more than enough. Is that accurate?

So I guess what I’m really asking is, is this a good shopping list, tent, light, ph tester, thermometer with humidity counter, timer for the light, soil, and nutes. Am I missing anything? What would you recommend on those? Most expensive and important I guess is the tent. How big would I need to have one auto near harvest and have a second just starting?

The site I’m looking at seeds from, say harvest takes 8 to 10 weeks, so I would be looking at starting plant two at about week seven. Would that be reasonable in a small tent?

So much for keeping this short I’ve rambled on. Thanks in advance for all the help I know I’m going to get.

  • Tokabowl

Hi friend, there are many variables as to Auto yields. I know you asked a lot of questions but I my self will focus on that one. I have grown autos many times. I have grown 8 week autos that have yielded me over 2 ounces and 12 week autos that have yielded me half a pound. The key to doing well with autos is making sure you dont do anything to set them back. Such as transplanting because with such a short life the recovery from transplant stress even could be 10% of their total growth time or most of their veg time.
Start in your final size pot. Germ right into it, Only give it small amounts of water till it grows into its pot. With autos you want to have a more airy soil so you want more perlite i it. You also want to feed autos less feed then a photo type. Most my 8 week autos were around 2 feet tall not including pot my 12 week ones took over my room and were full size.


Thanks for the information. What that tells me is based on my room I would probably want to keep them at about 10 weeks, as that would be, in my opinion, the best option for the room I have, and the yield I would get. You’ve answered one of my questions extremely well. Thank you.

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Autos are changing FAST so what was true a couple years ago might not be next year sort of thing. :laughing:
Autos I’ve grown came in about a ounce per plant and were 2.5 to 3ft when complete but other folks have done much better. :+1:

For lights, look at something approaching 25~30 watts/sqr ft. That’s out of the wall watts, not the silly marketing numbers they like to shout out. and that’s square foot of growing area.
skip the pH tester for now, get the drops, that always works and small learning curve.
You will need 2 fans. One mixing up the air in the tent (prevents molds etc) and an exhaust fan. I would recommend looking at an AC Infinity, Cloudline T series. It has a temperature and humidity sensor and does clever things.
For tent size I suggest something about 2 x 4 or 3 x 3 (full height).



As @Gpaw said autos are changing fast and everything I told you is based on my experience with auto genetics from about a decade ago. The most recent auto I have grown was think different by Dutch passion and even that one was released years ago. My favorite auto is automaria 2 from paradise I have yielded over 2 ounces in 8 weeks from germ. But that Auto was created at least a decade ago. The new ones could be way way better. I always hear great things about mephisto genetic.


I’ve been looking at getting beans from Royal Queen Seeds. In another forum I use I heard they were reputable. Which, just means, they give you what you order. The selection looks desirable to me, but I would be interested to know if anyone has experience with them, and how their plants do.


Out of curiosity when was the last time you grew an auto?

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If I were you I would plan to spend 500 dollars. Get a 2x2x5 tent and a mars hydro ts1000 and a couple fans. PH strips and lots of little thinhs

As for the rest…that’s a lot of variables but I don’t see any reason you couldn’t yield 5?oz a cycle.

All the best.


I’m finishing up my first autos ever. Use at least 2-3 gal pot, I don’t think there’s much reason going any bigger than 5 gal.

Mine are in one gallon and thought I’d transplant once. They flowered quicker than I wanted when they accidentally received a couple days of no light.

4x4 Vivosun tent, $150, ac infinity T6, $150, phat filter, $100, and a 480w alibaba led.

If it’s dry and cold where you are probably don’t need a dehumidifier. I haven’t used a humidifier. Once my plants got bigger in bigger pots, my humidity stays between 40-55.

I’m not venting outside yet, but will probably be soon as the my flowering plants in 3-4 gal pots start to flower and sink a bit more. I just let some cold fresh air into to room every now in then. Good luck :v:

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Last auto grow was last year, Northern Lights autos by Royal Queen Seeds - they were released a few years back.
I’m not impressed with RQS, Dutch Passion is a better source IMO. Chronickyle knows better than I what’s out there, LOL :+1:

I’m more into photo periods



I strongly advise against royal queen seeds. It is the only company of which I have grown multiple herms from different Auto packs. The only Auto I had success with from royal queen was the royal creamatic. Multiple others hermed on me. Once again this was 10 years ago. But this has never happned to me with other companies and I have tried lots of companies.

I ran my autos first to make sure I could get some smoke quick. But I quickly decided I’d rather just run photos inside and autos outside.
So I can clone and transplant more, grow them bigger or smaller before flipping etc.


So taking that into advisement who do you recommend for a good selection of solid beans?

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Yeah I don’t have an outside, so the reason I’m doing autos is just to keep myself in smoke at a reasonable price compared to the dispensaries in Arkansas.

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I have had great experience for autos with paradise seeds, Dutch passion, the joint doctor and delicious seeds. I havnt tried mephisto yet as when I was growing autos they were always sold out. But of all companies I have heard nothing but good about mephisto. If I was going to grow an auto today I would try to buy mephisto. Of all the autos I have grown. My favorite is auto Maria 2 from paradise and think different from Dutch passion. Auto Maria is usually 8 weeks but there are 10 week phenos. And the think different is a 10 - 12 week auto. Absolutely amazing smoke top notch from the think different.

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If you buy from paradise don’t believe their shit about pandora being the best auto in the world either lol. They always use to advertise it. I’ve grown it and I wouldn’t even take free seeds of it now. Lol.

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I use royal queen seeds myself. I haven’t had any negative experiences with them at all to be honest but i think i have a little less experience than @Gpaw for example. I have had an excellent germination rate all around.
I’ve grown a few of their autos too and had nice results each time.

Honestly, i’ve started with rqs because all the guys that introduced me to growing here had their seeds. It’s the first year i’m expanding my horizons in that area

Well now I’ve heard you actually get the beans you order, and one positive, and one negative review so I’m conflicted.

Sorry mate, not trying to confuse you. Just sharing my experiences so far. :sweat_smile:

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No, you didn’t confuse me at all, I put your experience up there with everyone else. I like having a variety of opinions, it helps me make the most informed choices. I really appreciate your input.