I think I'm high! ( or, another reason why I like Twin Peaks)

I know, I know, something is wrong with me. I love the weirdness of Twin Peaks and everything Lynch.

Found this on YT and thought I’d share. I am really buzzed, and should probably go to bed - but I’m not. I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

PS RIP Julee Cruise ( I hate to tell you she died last week after a long painful degenerative disease). I have your first album on vinyl. I am 65, my daughter is 29, we both love your stuff. Rockin’ back inside our hearts.

PPS Those deep bell-like strat tones by Vinnie Bell (or as re-sampled by Angelo Badalamenti) along with James Wilsey’s stuff (not Twin Peaks at all but similar emotions via sound) had a serious influence on my own guitar playing as a semi-pro. Thank you guys. RIP as well. Sigh.

I don’t know why I posted this. I guess I am high! :laughing:


You are getting sleeeeepy… your high for sure.

Good night OG, be good to yourself.

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Not sleepy yet. This weed has a nice uplift going about after a half hour like old bubblegum.

“Am I dreamin’? Hell naw. A dream only comes to you when you are sleeping. That shit’s for the birds, 'cause they can fly away from it”. - Ike Turner, from some old LP I have in the collection.

Shit, what’s the code to embed vids please?

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Fuckin’ Aye!




It works for me.


Used to play this a a set closer - a blues set closer. LOL It rocks, even without luchador masks.


Interesting. Love the Chromatics and anything Ruth does, really.


Oops, I got sidetracked.

I play a lot of bluegrass/fiddle tunes on my Martin D18 or Thompson DIA - so I been a Billy Strings fan a while.

I don’t say this much, but you should see this band if you get a chance. If you already have - well, I envy you, as I have only the video pleasure.


I put this on the big TV sometimes. It hits me right

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Last one. RIP Julee

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I eat there once a week :wink: :yum:.

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