What are you watching ? ( youtube / twitch )

Hey y’all, I can’t find a thread for sharing youtube videos so I am making one.

I wanted a place where I can share cool videos I’ve watched !!!.

No theme, no requirements, any video :stuck_out_tongue:

OG the world !!!


Checking out the man the myth the legend reed timmer intercepting this tornado here, in a RENTAL vehicle… Who pays for the damages LOL him or rentals insurance?

Just thought to check out Peco Hanks and See if He has a new video and HE DID , Hes my favorite storm chaser by far. His content is QUALITY… If you dont like how much reed timmer screams in his chases, youd like peco.

And my last link for now :slight_smile: Good ole linus tech tips, cant go wrong with the wan show podcasts !!! ( Live at the time of posting )


This is honest to goodness real William Shakespear. This took place on Broadway. The Flying Karamatzov Brothers were a juggling troupe. They’re also musicians. Every performer in the entire show is a vaudevillian, most are also musicians.

Avner the Eccentric opens the show, featuring a short guest spot by Bill. You know, the author.

Become highbrow. I think it’s fucking hysterical!


Does this type of art still exist? I feel like the humor, the eloquent speech , the stories of the past are fading, and I wish it wouldnt !

Ive found recordings from 1890s, 1900s folk talking and its so refreshing to hear such thought out speech. Such fluent ways of thinking. Its a charm that seems lost.

Stuff like this fascinates me


Some of my favorite s


wow… this is insane!


We just finished watching the series “Fallout”…
Crazy shit…I enjoyed it.

If you liked stuff like American gods or smoking aces…this one is for you!


Have you played the games @stiffy ? they’re pretty good

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Tbh I didn’t like it back then.
I almost ignored the TV series because of it :joy:
Maybe I give them a try now :thinking:


I’m always watching DGC (a weed talkshow), Uncle Roger (cooking comedy), or self sufficient me (outdoor gardening channel).

Same here it was a great show! Can’t wait for more episodes


Danny Mac is kinda parkour on wheels eh.


Pretty much, it’s really fun to watch.


Outta likes.

Thank you so much for posting those!! That guy is freakin’ amazing! Really fun to watch! Ditto the outtakes!

Exactly my thought as I watched!


Of course man!.


I just thought of a cool old video I wanna share.
I know @mota will get a kick out of it.
I sooo wanna do this, lol.


Hee hee, that boy’s good alright. Reminds me of when i was a downhiller for a pipeline company and our 'hoe operator would be trenching away, get off the 'hoe and say, “i know there’s phone lines around here somewhere.” He’d get back on his 'hoe and yell, “Here they are!” and he’d lift up a bunch of phone lines on the teeth of his bucket, w/o breaking a one of them. :man_shrugging: Nothing like in your utoob, but this guy was damn good, esp. since he only had three fingers on the one hand that he operated his backhoe with. And that’s another story he had, about how he lost his fingers… :slight_smile:


This is legendary thank you for sharing, bro can DRIVE !

This misewell be a movie, but I watched the videos as they were coming out, and It was pretty entertaining.

Also, If you want like deep insight , pure raw journalism, the REAL American back story. Check this guy out, Peter Santenello !!!

Hes doing some of the most genuine journalism ive seen in a while. He is literally just letting folk tell their story.

As a 26 year old growing up in changing times, One thing I keep seeing In Peters Video is this : I keep thinking that humanity has lost the human connection. But these videos keep proving me wrong. Love it.

You guys may not like the first video guy… but peter santello, ive cried watching a few of his videos LOL. It is raw human connection.

And for my last video recommendation, this guys videos !!! Mr Aidin Robbibins.

Very good historically backed documentaries, very thought provoking . Good cinematography, great story telling

Ya no problem, he’s fun to watch it’s crazy imho

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Crazy :sunglasses: cool

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