I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)


They ARE available everywhere in singles, between 14.99 and 24.99 .

THESE cuts are REAL, $$$$$, and DESERVE a good ride.

ALL the rooted cuts spoken for, will be 3 weeks or a bit more fore i can root good ones for you, remember i cut all mom’s to stubbs fighting mites.

YOU have time. Find good ones, WITH A LIGHT, we gonna do it, lets do it right. Each of those new cuts were 200 bucks each, and the others cost too…SO…we can spend s few bucks doing it correctly.

You spend some on the boxes, send to my addy, ill spend some on shipping and do it right

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@ifish i can honestly say the happiest my plants EVER were was with Canna nutes, hand down, but when my local go to stopped carrying it (shelf life issues and no reimbursement for expired products) and I saw prices elsewhere and shipping etc. I stopped, have literally wanted to go back since, that rhizotonic Is like liquid gold imo, at least it was! I know they recently pulled it from Canadian shelves and reintroduced a “new omri abiding product” so I’m not sure if it’s as amazing but I’m gonna grab some and DEFINITELY that canna cure as I plan on sending a few cuts on a journey in the near future as well. :pray:t2: always come through with the knowledge drops brother ! I appreciate you very much , for real :facepunch:t2:

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only sending if you get lights in shippers :sunglasses:

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A $1 dollar store flashlight and some solo cups would do the same job.

I think the whole thing in unnecessary but there you go.


:rofl: over kill no pun :rofl:

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I found a site that sells them separate 14 bucks each moneys not a issue your right money well spent if they arrive alive .


Can u show what they are like a lil better @ColeLennon im quite intrigued now, or @Bobgrows if you have pics as well. I’m running low on pucks anyway so I need to place an order this spring/summer anyway


WORTH him spending 75 bucks on 4 decent rides…well well well worth it


No question whatsoever if it’s worth it.

Dont listen to broke downs or childeren. WE are ADULTS who make a good living…fuck all the Rube Goldberg shit…i just paid 600 bucks for these 3, saving you a ton , plus you cant get them

IM NOT going through the trouble of doing it and then doing Mickey Mouse on the shipping, NOT ME!!!


If I remember right, he got tired of the bullshit and went off on someone. I still talk to him, just on Discord now.

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Lovely day here again , 4.7 inches yesterday , same or more today

Dogs real happy

EVERYTHING went smooth . All had great roots , none dropped or fat fingered , yeah I know , amaza balls ,

Only lack the 3 new clones now


I have had ZERO bullshit since back. I have however put like 18 folk on IGNORE


Mickey can stay with Mini not allowed in the box . I agree the real deal or it’s a waste of time and money


That ignore and mute bottom is awesome.


YES IT IS…ZERO issues for me so far, anyone starts in…IGNORe…issue goes away


GLAD YOU understand sir !!!

So ante up, get GOOD ones…i looked before.some batts will only go 1-2 days…get a good one with a 7-10 charge :sunglasses:

IF you want the new 3…TK, Tahoe. The Stinky One…send more …you may have whatever you like i have…RECO WC …LMAO!!!

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Lol. And we are proud of you for that!! When I first started talking to you on Caps place, never thought you would be back here!!


Here ya go…
Singles are $6.00 doubles are $8.00
Plus shipping…