Joecool's second year the good, bad, and ugly

Hello all, been a while since I posted my indoor. This year has a slightly different setup from last thread.
First off the closet is strictly for flowering now and I found a table/shelf unit that the lower part has become my veg/auto area. No more light leaks in the flower area :partying_face:
I’m sure the girls will love that.
Also have a new light. Was gifted a 6mo old mars hydro ts1000 it’s now my veg light as the blurple I had finally gave up the :ghost: and the veg driver went out.
Was originally going to use it in the closet for more light being as I have total use of the 2’x6.5’ space. Oh well if wishes were :fish::fish:
Only have 2 in flower right now, one being the last fruity yum yum clone from my old seed stock and one MWCB.
The 2 in flower

I did have a full closet of 10 but had some issues where the police were on the way so I cut down 5 out of 10 being as I’m not legal strictly speaking so got the count under the felony down to just a fine level just to have the police say that “they didn’t give a fuck about a small grow it’s not worth their time and effort.” Then 3 of the 5 turned out male and I’m not quite ready for all that just yet.
So soon as I made it back home I popped some more dragon heart autos and 5 either green headband or blue cookies from Mark I’m not sure which (I didn’t label those 2 vials after I shared with my buddy)
So we shall see what we come up with in just a bit.

The smaller pots are the autos and the larger are the mark genetics.
Per usual thanks for looking into my little corner of the :earth_americas::earth_africa:, have a stony day, and happy growing.


Healthy looking plants!

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looking very nice :slight_smile: I cannot wait to see them take of for you

all the best and be safe



Almost got permission from the cops to grow! Facinating, better quit inviting them fukrz into your crib. I’ve seen it before tho, they really don’t gaf about small grows. It’s the whole house grow op they don’t necessarily agree with.


I wasn’t the one who called them. My girl had a mental issue and called them in. I’m good with them never coming back to my house again. But as you said I basically have permission at least in the county I’m in so I’m content with that fact. I’m in a legal grey area anyway. I’m eligible for my med card in this state but the doc I have doesn’t provide any narcotics of any sort so I do my best to keep within the limit and just do what the med patients are allowed to do. Gotta have my meds somehow and I can’t bring myself to pay the dispo prices. I’ve smoked what they have to offer and my worst grow still did me better than what they offer there so I’m just gonna keep on keeping on.


This weeks update isn’t much. I moved the green headband or blue cookies (whichever they are lol) to flower. The main reason being is I want to start more seeds. ( I blame @dequilo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) Going to try the bubba kush again and see how they do this time also thinking about popping some blue god along with it plus still have to choose a good fem for outdoors this year. Thinking about running a straight cbd photo and let the rippers have fun with that one.and keep my others outside in the auto catagory and close to the house so I can get a full outdoor harvest. I’ll still be indoor but I’m an old hand at set and forget guerilla grows I can’t help but putting some outside in the care of mother earth.
Well here’s this weeks photos.

The MWCB (right fabric pot) and fruity yum yum (left one) are about 2weeks in flower now. The others are about 3 days in still waiting for them to show sex.
The dragon hearts had a bit of a stall while I got my temps right for them. They were too chilly so had to move the driver for the ts1000 in the area to get temps up where they need to be. Now they are starting to get in the groove and growing after a bit of a slow start.

And for your viewing pleasure.

I was buzzed and thought that this one looked kinda like a palm tree with it’s stem shape so it needed a turtle :blush:
Cabin fever makes the mind wander when you smoke your lunch.
Thanks for letting me in to your world and also thanks for stopping by to my small corner and looking in. have a bountiful harvest everyone.


Thanks for having us, looks good.


Thanks for the warm welcome!
Your baby plants and the mature ones looking damn good bro.

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Thanks for stopping in. Things have progressed nicely over the first year. Now that I’ve got a rhythm down and a slightly better veg space I should be able to keep the plants happy. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

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Love this new year’s starting threads, it’s easier to hang on them without having to read 1.3 K posts :sweat_smile:. Nice healthy looking plants :kissing_heart:, keep Dequilo away from them or he will cull some to make more room for new ones … frech|nullxnull


@George just did yesterday and dropped more seeds today

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I know :disappointed:, would have loved to see grow all that Mark’s good looking gear you had, it’s hard for me sometimes to follow your mental argumentation icon_e_confused|nullxnull, this said with all the respect and appreciation you know I have for you … ejem|nullxnull


I would have love to grow out mark"s work :frowning: but it was not suppose to live

but it did I needed to grow the beans that I wanted to grow and Mark’s were not the ones

so life goes on


Nice, I’ll be watching hehe

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@George unfortunately since I found @dequilo s I’ve decided his growing style isn’t all bad. Since I only have limited space I’m no longer growing what pops up per say but am only concentrating on what I’m interested in so if something ends up culled 🤷 so be it. I’m no longer wasting space on what’s not interesting or something not growing quite right.

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Sounds a bit like Dr. Mengele crazy0to (sorry for calling him doctor) I think I am just in the second year of marriage with these beauties Pirata|nullxnull, so my heart is not just a cold stone :expressionless:, after feeding and see them grow from a seed I wouldn’t ever cull them (unless being a oldtimer).

Guess I am many steps behind you, after many years of marriage I may change my mind and see them the way you do. Hope it will not be too soon :sweat_smile:, my plants would look at me in a different way.

Thanks you both for bringing up this point of view I ignored, doesn’t mean I change my mind but at least I understand better what you do … beer3|nullxnull

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I used to grow outside in my teens and early 20’s. then I didn’t mind so much I didn’t concern myself with them but 2 times after planted so my outlook then was I only took the males. Now I can afford to be a bit picky with how I grow. Plus space is a premium at the moment. I really need to get a tent or build the walls to enclose a suitable space that I’ve been trying to get drawn up and my plan finalized.


My Friend if I was outside and not in an 8 foot by 16 foot room inside they would have stayed

for sure :slight_smile:

but I have no room and I have things that I know what they are and want to work the genetics

if I had seeds of my own to blow away I would have used mine

anything I have is too old so it is hard to judge the setup while you are working at growing old


but I will build a bigger room and before you know it I will be back outside and I will have

hundreds of plants going

be safe and plant seeds



Hello all, hope today finds ya well.
This weeks update isn’t to awful exciting no new photos being as nothing much has changed, but everything is going well in the garden so far.
Out of the 6 autos I kept 2 showed to be male so off to the quarantine till they share their love juice. The 5 either green headband or blue cookies finally sexed within the last couple of days had 2 males that were culled and 3 fems.
In the seedling department the last of the bubba kush from Mark I had all germinated and are off to the races so 4 healthy seedlings there and the blue god all 6 germed and are showing themselves above ground so things are going well for the moment. The autos I’m running are some sorry looking stunted ladies but I have hope for them when they get into full flower mode. They got treated kinda badly at the start being as I had light and temp issues in their early growth stage. Have the light and temps right now just need to grab up a computer fan or 2 for air circulation in the veg area and then I should have smoother sailing after that.
Getting ready for spring garden time. I’ve been picking up amendments for the outdoor beds and choosing seeds to start this week for food and meds. I think it’s going to be an autoflower year outside being as I got my grow ripped last year.


Pics today. Ended up not using my auto males they weren’t showing what I wanted them to. Actually all the autos are stunted this run due to initial lighting and temp issues. Have 4 starting to flower so still hopeful for cbd haul.

I’m extremely happy how the 2 big ones flowering are doing. Healthiest plants I’ve had so far. No issues with nute deficiency no light or nute burn. Just extremely happy green lush plants. It’s got me excited. The one on the left has an almost oily look to it’s frosty leaves. Also this is the last cut I have of her I have so I’m seriously thinking about trying to reveg her come harvest time. Otherwise everything is fine for now.
Thanks all who look into my world. Have a stony day.