I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Did something similar I put out a joint halfway through last night, so I grabbed it and puffed it first thing this am. Thought it was some black dosi fire, but it’s gas face…. Had me fighting to keep my eyes open for a couple hours lol.


Was there a light?


I have sent and received hundreds of cuts and rooted clones, some sent slow mail and taking a week to arrive :sweat_smile:, and never had one with a light inside. I only lost one clone and that was because dude just threw it in a box and it bounced around and broke :joy:
Many people just put cuts in a couple ziplocks or vacuum sealed bag and drop them in a priority mailer. I do prefer 2-day myself, but plants are pretty robust. I cut a piece of foam to fit in a shipping box and cut out snuggly holes for the clones, align the clones in the foam and put them in a couple sealed bags and send 2nd-day mail.


no, and they were snips only

So how much for the 2 seater, one 1 seater, overnight to 77388 @Bobgrows


I’ve had unrooted snips in cubes soaking the cube then wrapped the cube in plastic make it in 8 days .
Still had moisture dripping out.


Let me check…

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DUDE…its up to YOU to figure it out. Ill deal with whatever you send me .

BALL IS IN YOUR COURT for all this shipping shit…im just a stupid grower.

You handle it, your outcome soley depends upon your actions…lol…i will do the right thing on my end HOWEVER you decide you want to do it.

Rooted cuts
Half a plant

YOU figure it out, send them to me…ill do the rest




I have had similar experiences, had a couple packages not make it from Cali as he vacuum sealed them, with NO AIR :man_facepalming:t2:, then the next ones I told him to leave some air, so he did but it was so minimal they still died, so next he puts them in a ziploc, in a ziploc in a turkey bag, with those rose water holder thingies on the bottom with a gasket around the stem, 9 days and other than droop they looked fine, next morning they didn’t look like they missed a beat.


I have sent many too, but were talking about borders, customs, long ass ride. Id rather spend a few and do it right. GLAD i left it to @ShiskaberrySavior to figure out

WOULD DRIVE ME CRAZY trying to figure the “BEST” way…as there are so many…

MAYBE a professional CLONE SHIPPER is lurking in my thread and will chime in :sunglasses:



Yes, must leave air! :sweat_smile:
I was getting these for a buck a piece from buds on a discord server.

Lights make the plants photosynthesize and respire so I personally wouldn’t add a light :thinking::man_shrugging:


That’s what I was hoping for a proven method with 100% success rate on long distance travel.

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See what Tom just posted…they are ALL OVER EBAY…at like .50 to 3 bucks each as singles.

what my last clones csame in, worked great.

I DO NOT EBAY…Amazon doesnt seem to have them


Yes, sorry…have caught up on a the deets now…
I might add a frozen gel pack to keep it fresh and slow down degradation :+1:

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I’ve seen those used as well actually, :drooling_face: Larry and Crippy! Come on you’re trying to get me going aren’t you ? :joy:

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He JUST wrote those on there trying to be COOL… :sunglasses:


Thats an old one

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To ship fed ex $14.00 by end of the next day

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you mean the product and shipping 14 bucks @Bobgrows

Yup. It happens. :sunglasses: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Just shipping is $14.00

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