I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

So those cap strains all that and a bag of chips or more hype never grew anything from him ?


His Cap’s cut is all that. Figure id try some of his other X’s to it. These are ones he made himself.


That thing is sweet looking! Can’t wait to hear your opinion.


Won’t be long


Hey @schmarmpit

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Damn, I took one day to reply and I’m already buried by 70 posts. Bunch of chatterboxes in here. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Strawberry Cough vegs pretty easy for me. She’s not nearly as vigorous as the Blue Dream but at least faster than MAC. Maybe she just digs organic soil better? No clue. But yes, she packs it on really fast in flower. Stretch is an average like 2X.

Here she is at 58 days and showing signs of being overripe. I was going to take her to late to compare with previous harvests done earlier, and this is plenty on the late side. She might have the heaviest harvest in the tent.


So in regards to your new fridge what’s the steps? Harvest, hang till dry, then trim and put in fridge then into grove bags then other fridge? Just curious. Having a talk with the wife😁



Harvest , hang 24 hours , then into Cannatrol .
4 day dry 1day cure , pull out of Cannatrol at 57 to 58 percent and into grove bags. Groves into Jenn Air cooler


Heisenberg I just watched the last episode of season 2 Your Honor.


wha?? Is that supposed to be 14 day dry?

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They claim 4 days in the machine is equal to or better than my 15 day hang at 60/60

I will do their 4 day dry , then one more day bringing it down to 58 percent. Then I will grove it, they claim it will be stable and nicer than what I just did .

I, we, shall see



You ain’t lying! Jet is on it
What I like is that @Jetdro gives detailed feedback on just about everything. Makes it easier to make purchase decisions when someone’s whose knowledge you trust tells it straight up


So been watching machine. Also put my accurate Wi-Fi hygrometer in there. Been on for plenty of time to stabilize itself .Zero noise

Without the sponge and it’s tray , machine will stray from its temp setting 2 to 3 degrees. It is HUNTING and MAINTAINING dew point . Will vary temp to keep DP stable . DP has not moved more than .2 of a percent in like 5 hours. Thing is even more steady than the JennAire is .

With wet sponge in its tray on middle of bottom shelf , unit comes to its set temp. Humidity changes , but dew point is dead ass steady . Set temp is maintained .

Open door for few minutes, temp swings, but DP is back with .2 in 5 minutes or less .

Damn thing is truly sealed , and holds its set to parameters dead ass on. Well the DP anyway , that’s why machine is actually controlling.

Thing actually works , unloaded that is .

Been looking at the chart that came with it . I can set it anywhere I desire and to any number of hours minutes days weeks I want to . After an hour of thinking about it I would set it as follows

68F 60 % humidity for dry

68 F 57 % humidity for cure

As it turns out , Cannatrol default strings are exactly that !!! Just stated as temp/dew point not temp/ humidity

Gonna leave it set dead factory . Pull bud on day 5 and Grove to see if stable , I bet it will be.

Noon tomorrow the 4 outside ladies will be placed in there and then it’s only 5 days to see if it was a good investment


hell yeah that’s awesome! I’d freakin hope so for the money but ya know :sweat_smile:

I ended up ordering one of those CO2 bags. Science makes sense, should last 9-12mo in my 4x4, seems like a no brainer. Thanks for the heads up!


For what they cost it’s a win . Why I use them . I see a difference too


After your day hanging are ya going to wet trim? Put entire branches in? Or just cut buds off and put in a tray? I have questions good sir and thank you for answering.


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wet trim, leave buds on branchs, but not leave plant whole. Cut off branch’s to stack in tightly on trays
That way i can rotate the buds on the stems with little hassle. Seperate buds would be hassle turning, NOT that involved, lol!


Righton. Wife says I have to wait till you’re done with your testing!! Lol

It will happen lol

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I have dried n cured nuff bud, and now you know i have a clue, lol, to know what a “dry” bud is. When i pull them out on day 5 i will KNOW.

I understand exactly how it works now, and in theory it should work great…BUT…hard to give up BRO SCIENCE …which says 15 days, slower the dry the better. HARD to believe 4 days can do a better job, but it will be in a DEAD STABLE enviroment with a slope to the dry curve.
Even my BEST drys have variance and swings in temp/hum VPD and dew point. Sometimnes quite a bit.

I have 100’s of dry/cure’s under my belt. Have done any number of days you can think of. BEST i have found is 60/60 15 days. Produces what you smoked , i have NO ISSUES with it, other than the hassle it takes to produce that!

IF this machine CAN produce what i see after a 15 day hang in my dry room, in 4-5 days, at a consistent finsihed product, …im gonna buy anoither one


Another one?!! Leave us one or two units!