I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Watch em , lol , one I got is taking over half the tent .

I hate seeded bud , see lot o people say how nice it is , pass for me .

Little white seeds means buds early too , such a bitch , sorry you have to go through it

All the Buds from last harvest put in Cannatrol are super nice . WC threw down , chunky heavy bud , Mac her nice sweetness and special smell . Super happy with all the bud taken from tent 2 and 3 . WC is great , Mac is Mac, Grape Pie is killer morning smoke with a just pleasant taste , Lost Cake is unusual , Cereal Milk, not sure yet


I cut em down three weeks early once we found them. I was hoping they would be small and white. They don’t pop and smell/taste bad. In the 12 years I’ve been serious about growing this has only happened twice. Shouldn’t complain much, lol


sorry to hear the hot bird was a looney tune, have my fare share of stories on those ones… that cannatrol holding 22 zips makes it even more tempting,

you ever think of reversing your WC and letting it splooge on the MAC ? might find tou a mac tasting wedding cake yeilder lol.


Good morning jet. How the grow going. Yeah the lost cakes I have half of them are absolute units towering over all the other plants. My buddy asked me for some seeds to which I said what about some clones. Him and his aunt do a outdoor grow every year in a screened greenhouse it about 10 ft tall. Thinking I’ll pass a couple lost cake his way. The aunt is also a indoor grower she is a decent canna grower older lady kinda stuck in her ways tho. I was able to try some grape pie a friend grew so i had pie for breakfast lol. It looks very similar to yours. Breaking it up gave me first a corn flake kinda grapeish berry. Has a grape taste but I can’t really describe yet. Only smoked a small bowl I’ll know more after I smoke out of my regular bowl. Didn’t want put down first thing in the morning lol. The high definitely in my head and has some power to it. my eye feels a little more opened pretty clear feeling buzz. Definitely a morning go to didn’t glue me down at all.


I’ll send the same cuts I received that way. :wink:
Interested in seeing if the pine tar kush makes it to the north happy and healthy? I’m not sure I could get rooted cuts in there and survive.

Oh and I am in the states. Send me a DM @204medismoke and let’s try.


Grape Pie creek morning



Hey @ColeLennon


2 on one


Morning Jet. :sunglasses:


Great morn


Hey Jet, any fish in that creek? You should pick up fishing with the amount of time you put in there.


nothing worth catching


My short lens died, :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :poop: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

so best i could do. Plants over my head, on stool shooting through lights…ill get better shots later


Today is day 21 so i can keep track


While fresh in my mind, Lost Cake review:

Been in cooler a couple weeks now i think. Up early, took a Grape Pie joint to the creek , had a nice morning. Beautiful day here, 65F and sun. In great mood, thought id see what Lost Cake was all about as i have not smoked her in a bit. Sat outside, smoked a joint.

Smell of bud is nice, can tell it has Wedding Cake in it, but half as strong a WC smell as WC. Has a sweeter backside, and it’s lighter.

Spark it up. First few hits, instant thought is Wedding Cake Lite, lol. I instantly recognize WC taste, but, it’s different. Much lighter, much different on the ending. High seems different too. Hit it now 3 or 4 times, be pretty high on WC, im buzzed, feeeloing good, but not what i thought id be. As i continue to hit it, i am getting the backside taste. It’s sweet, light, it’s GD Goji is what it is. It’s got the sweet citrusy sorta light funk Goji has. As joint burns taste changes (bud not cured enough obviously) and it becones much sweeter and the backside flavor comes in earlier. Im almost halfway through it, thinking it’s Wedding Cake without the funk . As i hit it a few more times, and call the pup’s, i realize im getting lit. Hit it hard a few more times, get a nice lil head spin, i put it out. Light a cig, and halfway through cig im now fucking HIGH.
Smoke the cig, spark the joint back up, hit it 5 times, realize, NOW im halfway through it. Yup getting good and ripped. Smoked 3/4 of it, piut out , it gave me a wheezing sneezing coniption…im allergic to MJ :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :nauseated_face:

End taste was not much WC and much different. High is different . High is strong like WC, but leaning way to the sativa side for me. While smoking the last few hits, it reminded me exactly of the Goji high i loved years back. She is Wedding Cake Cut X OGAH( Amnesia Haze Core Cut X Orange Goji ) so not surprising. Her buds sre not like Goji, nor AH, but like WC. She is interesting for sure, will have to roll a fattie later and see if she has a ceiling. The good Goji pheno’s would get me so friggin high i would lose a fattie before i could finish it, couldnt find it, lol.

Will let it cure a bit, she where the flavor finish’s. It is one of the few i grew this round where the taste and smell is changing considerably as it cures. I think it may finish less WC more Goji. Interesting combo.


Pretty ladies :+1:t2:


Lol I’ve smoked orange goji that you loose things . Thought I’d lost my hat ended up it was on my head.


Morning Jet. Hows the plants and pack this morning?


Hey Cole
All great
45F and pouring here dogs sad