I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Next time meet for coffee. :rofl: Get them to drive halfway or no GO. I used POF plenty of fish 2010-2012 endless ass. Should be called Plenty of Fools. :rofl:


“Banana cream pie” They’re fun but not worth the trouble. Dam, they’re fun tho. Lol



That white couch would last about 5 min in my house!! And I thought all women from TX were bat shit crazy!! :rofl::rofl:


At least you gave it a shot my man.


That smile is terrifying. Cover the teeth, and she looks like she’d be ready to murder me in my sleep…


Like this!


Exactly the scene I was thinking of, didn’t have a meme handy. :stuck_out_tongue: Now I do!



Did you put the Bourdain charm on her……and then regret it?


Not so much as in your corner , I agree with your findings , thing works great even overloaded as you will see in a minute


Home safe n sound , dogs exhausted

Octos kept plants perfect of course , lol , I didnt worry .

Didn’t worry about the dry I left either , I have the Octopot of dry machines now , so of course it was perfect too , lol

Wedding Cake threw down . 2 plants 17.2 ounces . Mac, 4.5 ounces 1 plant

So machine gave up about 22 ounces of dried .
I BELIEVE it could to more with and extra shelf or two . Had no problem on 22 Z ‘s

My bud from this last dry is in lunch bags labeled , I’ll transfer over the others soon too . Let these go a few weeks see how it goes . Will say super convient to store this way


At default numbers , 4 day dry , 4 day cure so far , stable at 61 % humidity

Mac 1 , tester joint :sunglasses:


What up @ShiskaberrySavior


Not a lot was out checking the tin box shuffling plants fired another light up, watered and picked dead leaves the usual shit.

Just finished eating and now having a smoke and trying to decide what bud is getting burnt tonight.


This 8 day Mac is great already . Hard to believe isn’t it


That machine sounds like it’s worth every penny .


Only gone a day , lol , go look at big ladies , the Strawberry Cough made a Jump in this end of week 3 . She is closing in on 7 foot up top , now taller than the BUSH behind her , The Blue Dream Santa Cruz . Got lights a bit high on power , the Dream is praying hard , think I’m just gonna leave it .

The front Lost Cake is just insane , it has completely taken over Lost Cake 2 in the middle , and now crowding Lost Cap in the rear . Cannot believe that lil 300 can produce this , not even cranked yet !!!

Middle lost Cake has been run over . She has maybe her main and 1 other head up in the canopy , the rest is covered by her sister in front .

Lost Cap is beautiful . She wants to Christmas tree and I’m letting her , that’s the Mac in her . Mac WANTS to Christmas tree . She is not gonna yield a bunch unless she stacks her main cola and I’m not sure she will . She is looking more Mac every day . Speaking of , the last hit of this joint of her just gave me a head spin and grey out , lol . Come week 5 I’ll have a better idea of what she is gonna do . This is her first appearance on the planet so I just don’t know jet :sunglasses: . I will say she grows 300 % better in veg and seedling stage then Caps Cut . Jet’s Cut , lol , grows very well and was easy in veg . Hope she is something , cause Mac is TOUGH . Great great bud , great smell and industry leading tastes , but a royal pain in the asshole to grow .

I did all I could in tent 2 on the Mac . They were 5 foot tall and happy and went full term .
They yield SHIT . One went 3.5 Other a bit over 4 . Same tent , same take down tent , Wedding Cake went 8 and 9. Something ounces ! Same tent . So got over a pound of killer big hard sticky WC , and 7 ounces of Mac for the same time and effort expansion .

Is Mac that much better than my WC? Fuck no , I actually like WC better . I’ll give taste to Mac , all bud I’ve tired would have to , but all else I’ll take WC . I got Maybe 9 ounces of Mac here. Gonna let it cure in the Cannatrol , and smoke her sparingly , she is coming out of my rotation for a while , bitch , lol .

Best looking plant in big tent is either Blue Dream , lovely long thin leaf , super white pistils , bush master supreme with uncountable bud sites , or the Lost Cap which I swear looks pre historic . Can’t wait to see them .

Strawberry Cough is faster than all the others . She jumped 6 inches in 3 days , bet she is done with her stretch and already has more bud weight than the others .

Gonna be a nice run , pics tomorrow


It was Grundlelishious

What up @MyLittleGrundle


Yo yo my man!! What is good with you?
I see your troll is killing it! Buds are looking good. Better than the seeded shit I’m trimming up right. So disappointed in myself. It’ll learn me. Got a little too lax. Still good smoke. Little tiny white seeds. O well! Lol

On a positive note your lost cake will be getting germinated over the next few days.
