Ice Plant (invasive succulent) as amendment/compost ingredient?

Ice plant (carpobrotus edulis) is an invasive species that grows abundantly in many areas, has anyone ever used it in compost or foliar tea, or amendment?

The leaves are similar to aloe, wondering if fresh ice plant can be blended up and sprayed like an aloe foliar. Or if ice plant can be cut and dried then minced into soil.

Anyone ever try this or hear otherwise?

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hmm I think I learned at science camp it’s edible :nerd_face: I’d say give it a shot! There’s got to be a lot of goodness in there

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I haven’t but this is interesting— another situation where a lab analysis would help.

Definitely avoid roadside material as it’s likely contaminated.

Wikipedia says it bears fruit :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Worth trying on some unimportant plants :+1:
