Ideas for improving Trade Feedback

With registration :+1:

Suggestions for other ideas:

Something like a pre trade agreement verification, might be useful.
Similar to companies that only allow reviews from verified buyers.

A series of questions that result in the overall star rating.

Maybe anonymity for a user leaving a dissatisfied rating. A user may be reluctant in leaving a negative review in fear of community backlash.

There is also a difference between trades and giveaways. Maybe that could be addressed as well. Two different star ratings perhaps.

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To me the only true way to improve trading is to get to know the people you are trading with. Too often people just jump on a trades blinded by a strain they want. Trade feedback threads can be useful but for the most part I find users dont really look at them. I interact with many and have sent out loads of seed packs. Last interactions on my feedback thread were once in May, once in June and last October. Thats only 3 in a year.


in fairness @DougDawson - just about everybody here knows you … lol


That’s true. Thats why I dont send people to my feedback thread, but it does show many dont bother going to them on their own. Just an observation I think of wherever feedback threads are spoken of.


Dont do anything concerning trade feedback. We need less government in general. Not more. People know there is an inherent risk in trading.


I completely agree with that.