Ideas for improving Trade Feedback

Continuing the discussion from Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward:

That’s definitely something we could consider. Should it happpen with the first topic in Trading Post or with registration?

Any other ideas?


This is the way to go imo. Everyone gets one.


I have proposed a wiki type list of trades that are 30 days overdue and have not arrived. It would essentially be a list of all failed trades without mitigating circumstances. A quick and easy way of showing who from our active members has large amounts of unfulfilled obligations. More informed members make better trade decisions. Any fulfilled would be deleted. Any involving defunct or inactive members would be removed. Folks could see in one place whos not sending. This is a general idea, tweaks could be made.


Howdy Lemonade,

There are several of us here that migrated from the Shroomery, and they have a system similar to the blips where those stand for feedback. You can click on the users blips and see all the individual members who left feedback, and the reasoning for it.

Hackforums has a similar system as well.

If implemented here (unsure if there’s a similar plugin for the forum software you use), there can be a minimum feedback rating score set to enter sections like the trading section.


I’d think that most scofflaws are the hit and run type. Anyone with staying power is probably cool.

Personally I wouldn’t use it. If I like you you can have whatever you want.


I like the fact that you do have to build trust and grow your account level before you can actually trade … Versus just hearing about OG on reddit, coming on , making account and trading right away with no legitimate background .


This is an area I feel is not really needed IMO. I’ve had numerous trades over the years here with little to no issue.

Newer accounts I simply ask they send first and upon arrival I send my proposed trade (zero issues other than a newbie sending a pack in an envelope and beans arriving destroyed).

With seasoned members and or well known members I’ve never had an issue and sending willingly.

This also goes back to @DougDawson point in the pips convo. People being able to leave negative feedback without ever having had a trade with you.

Just my thoughts.


Rules can be put in place to prevent people from abusing the system.

The last suggestion I have for making trades more secure is to establish Middle Men. We did this on a forum over a decade ago, so the traffic wasn’t as heavy as OverGrow, but basically there was a team of community elected volunteers who oversaw trades.

How it would work here is, Person A sends seeds to Middle Man, Person B sends seeds to Middle Man; once Middle Man receives both seed packs, he sends the traded seeds to Person A and B.

If there ever was an issue with the postal companies, for example, no one doubted the word of the Middle Man.

That one’s a lot of work, and while it may not be a requirement for all trades, it can definitely be an option for those who want a bit more security. I have been weary of trades on any forum besides the one that I mentioned that used Middle Men… I loved that system. I primarily worry about untrustworthy people having my address, which that system also avoided.

Not sure how viable that is here, but just thought for food.

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well for the 20 years i spent on the shroomery trade ratings were displayed under our general rating ( no pips) and it worked great. Although all trading took place in the " market place" and you need to be a member for 90 days and have 50 post . Seems to weed out all the people asking for freebies that never show up again.


What if swinm was new and just wanted to send their own test seeds or little time machines to their future… before that time limit.
Also, what if like most in my exp… People whom only ask in private dm (most do offer trade in kind in those i think)…that’s not tracked. Not everyone is a paranoid researcher internets person like me to avoid red flags and scammers or outright people that dont care.
I dont have solutions to all but id like a public tally for the latter dodges toamtoes. Lol

P.s i felt like i went to a diff world in that mushroom forum. Cool people bringem over.


I’m new but I think this is good, for a new person like myself that has already made a trade. I am a man of my word but I also know every is not. Yes things happen but some people just like to get over. If there is a ramping period for new people, it would eliminate some of the let’s say less honest.


I’m not sure this would be possible, but what about like a voting poll on their profile? Have a maybe 4 options like, “Only had good experiences” ; “No interactions” (neutral) ; “Questionable dealings” (broken seeds, no reply, etc) ; “I’ve been scammed by this person”.

Everybody could vote once per profile, (but be able to update their answer) and see the number of votes per option on the poll. Could either show just numbers to keep it more anonymous, or show results of who voted which way to avoid issues of fudging the numbers. This could be used to have like a “trustworthy percentage”, they start at 100% (positive + neutral feedback) divided by total votes.

The benefit of adding it right to the profile is that it wouldn’t get lost in threads or anything, and it would be easily visible. If it’s right next to their name you couldn’t miss it.

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@LemonadeJoe Did you just get released out of the joint or something? So many updates and improvements in a short time span gets you to wonder… :thinking:


Pz :v:t2:


I like the idea of improving trade feedback but one thing to consider is shipping addresses for seeds aren’t always nearby. I get to check the seeds mail once or twice a year, it could conceivably be considered in another country entirely. That would put a lot of trades still as unknown/outstanding even though they have likely already arrived and waiting for me. Just something I thought about with regards to trade feedback or lack there of. Many blessings and much love


I like this idea, or something like a “trader be aware” list (as opposed to “beware,” it’s “trade at your own risk”). Maybe length of time for outstanding could be a month, or longer at the discretion of the trade receiver who is waiting for the outstanding item.

For example, I had an item earlier this year that was sent to me (not in trade, but for this scenario we can pretend it was trade). It took nearly 2 months to arrive from another continent. I was not worried and did not consider it “outstanding” because it was just “on the way and traveling far under a slower system.” In this case I would probably use my discretion to say “sure, it’s been longer than a month but I do not want them added to the list because I know it’s on the way.” Just gotta trust the process and have good faith in the other person.

The list would be useful as a deterrent. Some people might need to see that we keep track of those things. Maybe a few would think twice before ghosting, or thinking they can somehow profit off of one of us. But I’m also not sure how frequently it has been a big issue.

Is there anyone who has been royally screwed who wants to chime in? :sweat_smile: What do you think of this list if it would have helped inform you not to trade with someone?


Obviously the recipient would be the one to report incomplete trades and know the specifics of thier situation. If they only check thier mail in July then a trade would not be considered incomplete until they checked thier mail. Adding an incomplete trade to an existing wiki is a much milder approach than having to approach someone’s feedback thread. It would also give someone a chance to make things right and keep thier feedback positive.


Yeah man right on, lol I’m a bit medicated at the moment. Sometimes those obvious things just pass me by

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He unfortunately was battling Covid. Pretty bad for a minute there but he’s doing better I hope.


All of these ideas are really fascinating. It would be cool to implement a lot of these features.

This is essentially a good idea though 30 days is not adequate time frame for countries like India, Thailand & Australia.
I wonder when people don’t even confirm arrival of my packages until asked will they update the wiki apon arrival…??
What penalties could be put in place for a person who does not follow the rules …??

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