Hypothetical Situation... What Would You Do?

Let’s say member B never received package from member A.
Member B contacted member A to relay situation.
Member A’s responds with “sorry” and never offered to make rite.
Member A is a well liked-well known member.

If member B calls out member A, member B knows that all the white knights will be coming over the mountain in droves to defend member A.

Should member B call out member A? or Should member B just move on?


Move on. Maybe they’re a jerk. Maybe it’s the post office. It happens.


Depends on the transactions taken place.
Many variables come into play,
Was it a freebie from the heart?
Or was a monetary value exchanged for said goods?
Now you be the judge, I try to let sleeping dogs lie.
Not worth any Drama.


Does member A have a reputation thread? If not, maybe make one, lol… j/k. I’d probably do nothing. I’ve found that about 10% or more never follow through. It is what it is.

Anything in particular that you were hoping for? :v:


One Million Dollars?


At a certain point they end up in the hands of the seed gods and there’s nothing you can do.

It would be nice to offer a replacement/substitute though.


IMO, you are well served in moving on. I suspect some members cultivate a large following of sycophants, in order to somewhat immunize them from accurate and pointed criticism regarding allegations of misbehavior.
Interweb dynamics can be quite confounding.


Never seen it here, but on some sites there are scrupulous people
Who get the shipment and then say hey it never came.
Works both ways.
There will always be next time.


I’d let it go personally unless it’s something you really wanted/needed if so I’d pit a post up explaining and asking for said strain(s) I’ve found there’s always a few but the real majority are solid as they come here.


The vast majority of trade interactions are positive here but there are always a few.

It is a little rude not to offer a replacement, even if it’s something different. But still, just move on.


I’ve lost over $500 in seeds last year but the generosity of the other 99% make me not worry too much and just write it off.


It’s complex. It depends on whether you are talking about freebies, a trade, or a purchase. For trades or sales, of course, I would always send with tracking to prove they were sent and to help both parties understand where the package is. If the package disappears, at least we know where in the chain it disappeared.
If the seeds are freebies – having had dozens if not hundreds of packages siezed or lost over the past 23 years – I will send what I say I’ll send but I don’t usually have extras so if some freebies don’t arrive… oh well. It’s either the post office lost them (extremely unlikely unless they sent a seizure letter) or someone is greedily attempting to get more free seeds: That is indeterminate, but if someone sends a package of freebies and they don’t have a second batch to send you are most likely out of luck. You can always ask for a re-send… ask, not demand. I have seen multiple people moan and complain they didn’t receive their freebies and, out of the goodness of the senders heart, got their package re-send and then later reported that they received BOTH packages soon thereafter… so there is a patience factor that is also involved.
I have failed to receive free seeds from some of the most highly respected members on the site, and although none have, those senders could have themselves felt some need to complain that they didn’t see me post that I received them. But I have never once asked for replacements nor complained.

If this was a purchase, I would open a dialog with the seller. It was up to them to provide tracking or some other proof that they sent what you paid for, yet you cannot force someone who has already sent you something to send replacements. As a real-wotld example, I have been waiting over two months for some seeds I sent a nice wad of cash to a well- known seed merchant for, his online site only accepts cash, but the seeds haven’t yet arrived and the site doesn’t reflect my payment as having been received when they usually come within a week. I could reach out to the seller and complain, but they aren’t going to send replacements if they didn’t receive the cash – and the site does not reflect having received my payment – so I feel there is no reason to make waves… it was my choice to send cash through the mail.

With a those cases explained, sometimes it is best just to move on.


LONG LIVE MEMBER A! Complete sentence.


sale or trade?

sale = call him out and give him an honest chance to make you whole.
trade = it was the post office/cannagods/fate, leave it be and move on.


As frustrating as it is you might be best just moving on and not dealing with them again, maybe they’ll reach out and make it right in the future


Like others I have to say you are lacking in details. Was the package not received just free seeds, a trade or something purchased? If it’s free seeds I would just walk away, you are out nothing. If it’s a trade or seeds purchased then I would expect the person to make you whole and would tell them that. Then decide how to proceed based on their response. There are a number of reason a package may not arrive. Heck, I just received an envelope back that I sent to the USA in Feb of last year as undeliverable. That’s 15 months that envelope has been in the postal system before being returned to me. Strange things happen with mail all the time, it’s not necessarily the senders fault. Under most circumstances I would suggest walking away as it will be the least hassle but again, it depends on the particular circumstances.


I’m in a situation similar to yours.
And my recommendation is … Move on and forget it.

I have to believe in the honestity of the people here. And with that in mind, and knowing how post services work, then assume that was a postal failure.
I think that all here are responsable adults, and for what reason will be that person say to send you and not send? For some likes? For making a reputation?

I don’t think that people here work that way.
And if someone do that, well, congrats to him and let it be happy. As is said here, it is caught first a liar than a lame man



I also had the same situation with Member A (maybe he is the same frech|nullxnull), two trades and never arrived what he sent, funny thing is that the only package arrived from him wasn’t for me but a forward to an EU member, forget about it as I did … beer3|nullxnull


Fuck yes call them out

Don’t buy seeds from them…


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