(incomplete) Holy Crack Preservation

one sweet asset grow you have there “road” i mean jinglepot​:grinning::grinning::grinning:


Greaaatttttteee now EVERYONE know I’m nicknamed after a road :roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

All good! Funny shit, I’d say :laughing:

It sure feels like it even though it was just 3 runs :laughing: 4 including this one. And I was kinda goaded into the SLH one :wink::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. Just my way to give back, ive got way more from 1 seed box than I could ever make, it’s a small part. I WILL be taking a little time off from seeding though to replenish my smokables and to a little hunting… pheno hunting that is :laughing:. I also wanna try out some cool gear I’ve got from YOU fine OG peeps :metal::call_me_hand::v::v::v:


Holy Crack Batman…LOL
Looks like I got here just in time for the flower show. :heart_eyes:


Them plants be crackalakin mate, well played :call_me_hand:t4:

Did someone say crack



Hahaha, one of my favorite rap songs ever! Biggie = Goat



So dope :metal::metal:


You mean named after the streets! :wink:


I haven’t heard that song for a while but still just as good as ever love biggie and I now the fun part starts what kinda male to female ratio are you hoping for @Jinglepot trying to get ready for a run in late winter and it’s making me nervous but you’re doing a great job with these!?


I hope for 3 males and 6 females. But its up in the air for now! Actually I do have at LEAST 1 male and 1 female, I haven’t really spent a whole lot of time examining them. The LITFA method is working and I’m gonna roll with it :laughing:

Holy shit balls, that’s so much better! :star_struck:


Lights are going out for flip tonight! The countdown is on!
All are happy, I will prune lowers after Initial flip stretch. As soon as I can sex 2 of each we will open the signup. I’ll give some notice of such happenings.
There are starting to be sone noticeable differences in height, but the branching and leaf variation remain so similar that I’d almost swear they were clones! Very cool!


Looking so healthy, nice and even!! Excited for the sign up

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Do you take them out to water them mate, it’s gonna be a mission with a net in place? Careful with the wiki announcement, remember the Temple Flo sign up!


Looking great! I’m sure another outstanding run :clap::clap::clap:

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There is no problem with announcing a wiki sign-up beforehand, or opening the wiki without notice. These decisions are up to the breeder. A co-op representative will create the sign up form. A team og member and co-op volunteer like myself or g-pas, or any moderator, will open the wiki upon the request of the breeder.

Once the sign up sheet is open, it is the personal responsibility of everyone who signs up to follow the rules and be polite and courteous during the sign up process. It is up to you to take the proper steps to prevent edit conflicts.

No one may sign up without first reading the full co-op sign up instructions, and the full wiki etiquette document.

It is against the rules for any member to add their names multiple times. Rule violators, and anyone using profanity or aggressive language will be reported to the mods.

After you have signed up, make no further edits the list. Do not switch your name to a different number. Do not add other members names to the list, only your own. Feel free to notify your friends via pm or tagging them in a post, but they will have to sign up on their own.


Thank you for the clarification @zephyr :relaxed:


I hear the concerns about things getting jumbled up in everyones excitement. But I like to give the people who have been following along a chance to be here for signup too. It’s happened to me a few times where I follow a grow the whole way through, the am away for a couple days and totally miss the signup :sweat_smile: this way we can all work through it and everyone has had fair notice


Agreed. And everyone should keep in mind, we have never had problems with any sign up announced in advance, aside from the recent temple flo sign up.


You do realize if you give a heads-up, the editing over write just upsets all. Also if you don’t give notice, the people that actually follow you will see it first.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yeah I probably shouldnt have mentioned the Flo sign up, its your show mate👍