G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

About had a mental breakdown multiple times over the course of 3 hours trying to figure out how to upload pictures from my phone to the computer then this forum. I ended up having to drag and drop to the “edit” section and they kept going all over the place and i cant move them after so i had to delete the text it creates on the left post side and drag again over and over… then it starts saying my images are too big, so this is like 1/3 of what i was trying to upload… wish there was a way to post from the mobile webpage, how does anyone else do it…?
Im completely computer illiterate…
Day 63 of flower today. A few days ago my gut was telling me 73 and 67 days left and right but now im thinking a few days more. The girl on the left is still fattening up with some outward foxtailing that looks to be genetic. Now im thinking maybe 73-75 and 70, we’ll get a better gauge this weekend!
Bagseed first grow 7 gal grow bags and a 9 inch pot hiding in the back, mix of ocean forest and perlite fed with FF trio, some bokashi earthworks microbe+, calsil+ for calcium and agsil16 for extra K at the end. Also got samples of hygrozymes full line around week 4 of flower so ive been using their 3 products too.
Plus lots and lots of love and attention, and a ton of research, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and scientific articles.
Cant wait to smoke my own herb, the anxiety is killing me!



I just tried to create my first post with pictures and it took about 2 hours and i couldnt for the life of me figure out how to get pictures from the windows 11 photos app to upload without dragging and dropping to the edit section on the right and still stuff wouldnt go in the order i wanted, kept “dropping” in the wrong place, then all of the sudden out of the same series of pictures halfway through it starts telling me the image size is too big and to download the photo to a cloud or something then to the site? i have no idea guys… yall are absolute tech wizards in my mind for navigating this shit so fluently…
Wish i could use the site on my phone but i cant even read threads on my phone because it starts at the top and theres no slider bar to drag to the current recent conversation on mobile like the computer version as far as i see, am i wrong?
ready to give up…


Welcome to OG.

Nice looking garden!

If you’ve never used forums before, it can take a little while to get used to all the features, but you’ll get there. Don’t give up!


These people will get you sorted out! They’re brilliant. I’m lucky it works on my phone. Much love and I’m glad you’re here. Hopefully the good folks will help get you sorted out! :purple_heart::seedling: Plants look damn good, by the way.

What size tent are you in?


I do everything from my phone. I now find the computer more cumbersome.


Welcome to OG! That’s a badass first grow dude :+1:


do you have an iphone or android?

edit: guessing iphone. cant really tell you how without knowing though.


Welcome to the club, sorry to hear you having trouble with the UI on the site. Give it a few days and you will get used to it. Nice looking grow you have going on, looks like it is almost ready. If you need any help let me know. I will help out as best as I can for you.


Yeah, not gonna lie…
I kinda got lost in the first paragraph, then skipped to

^ Me too bud, me too…

I’m sure that someone around here can offer you some technical support. The name @Nitt or @Mr.Sparkle come to mind. Might even be a job for @DougDawson. :wink:

Great looking plants btw!:slightly_smiling_face:


Very nice looking grow you got growing on there!
Hang in there, you will get the hang of it soon. It is frustrating learning how the site works at first.


I have a ‘gummy’ for that.
Good luck.

That’s a fantastic first run, well done!

To post pictures on mobile you go

You can select more than one at a time by clicking and holding the first photo until it highlights then picking more and they’ll usually show on the screen in the order you selected them. Hope this helps :pray:


Thanks for the kind reply! its a 2x4, 5 foot tall. And do you have an android or iphone? Maybe itd work on chrome instead of safari on my phone, didn’t think to try that until now


Oh nice, glad to know it can be done and thanks for the little tutorial! Im going to try on Chrome instead of safari on my phone, maybe that’llhelp too! I couldnt even find a way to get to the bottom of a topic on mobile like you would by dragging the slider bar of the thread date on the right on the regular web page, are you able to see that on mobile, or some sort of “skip to current” button? Thanks again and happy growing!


A “back” button will appear only if you scroll up from further down…

To get to the bottom of a thread you can click the numbered box to open this

And use the green sliding bar on the right to navigate.

From the home page, selecting the icon showing the amout of time since the last post will also bring you to the bottom/last post


So I’m on mobile now and I just went to look at a thread and it appears this thread was active 7 mins ago, I clicked in and it started me at the top, scrolled down a bit and it just loaded new stuff a few times and went back to the start and it gave me a “back” option that only went to where I scrolled to which was farrrrrrrrr from current, no slider bar on the right either… weird…
I can upload pictures when I can get to the bottom of a thread, but getting to the bottom is impossible without scrolling for hours on end


You got this! :green_heart: Here’s some more thread navigation -


And the other thing I suggest is to test out typing a draft (a short test sentence) on your computer, but don’t post it. Then go open your phone and click the make new post button and see if it will offer you your draft that you were working on. If so, you can type the post text on the computer where that’s fast and easier, and then add in the photos from your phone. They’ll show up wherever your cursor is in the text when you hit the upload button.

And don’t sweat it if your photos are somewhere funky in the post. Not a big deal here. :green_heart:


Good work on your first plant. I keep track of my DOF, but it’s my loupe that shows the true, chopchop time.
Good job!

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Does posting more pictures of my grow on this thread add to the required 5 posts for level 1 status? still a bit confused on that part if anyone could help me out! I made a new post for some pictures from lastnight then realized I could have added them here, but I also am trying to make a few posts to get that “level 1” status
Thanks in advance!