Indirect Light

This year I gave away a few auto seedlings to people who don’t have the right growing conditions. What I mean is ZERO direct sunlight.

This plant was lightly fertilized and watered on a reasonably regular basis. Yes that’s a 5 gallon bucket:

It’s ripe but is only the size of my thumb. I think it’s a dark sparks but I didn’t take notes and so I can’t say for sure.

This one was under my care. It got ~1.5 hours of direct sun. It was fertilized and watered regularly (but not recently):

It’s a Crème de la Chem and might yield an 1/8th when it finally comes down. I’m leaving her until she’s extremely overripe just to see what happens.

It should be noted that these autos were stunted for their first two weeks which adds to their puny little size.

I told them “you don’t have the right conditions and I’m not even sure this will work.” They just wanted it in their garden not to have maximum yield.

It’s ok. Here’s another one I’ll add just because I think it’s funny. I believe it’s a gg4

These are the nicest POS plants I’ve seen. I’m surprised they yielded at all, even if it is only 2 grams.

So, you can grow without light. Just don’t expect too much :joy:


It’s not the size of the plant… it’s how you USEEEEE it :joy:

I guess ya gotta work with what ya got.


You know, this makes me want to try. I live at a low point in the neighborhood, so for like 8 houses you can openly see our yard. Even if I put up a 6ft fence (because that’s all the HOA allows, ha). So I’ve been trying to figure out A: what Illinois considers a secure “out of sight” greenhouse. Or B: how can I grow completely stealth.

I considered building a box open at the top, covering it with opaque (white maybe?) poly on top (oh, because the asshat who lives behind me has a drone. Don’t want his kids getting any ideas.) but wasn’t sure if it would be beneficial even vs growing indoors. Like I want to grow outside because it’s free and it’s POWERFUL. Adding cost and decreasing light? I don’t know.


Cool to know it can be done.
Reminds me of the 1st autos to hit the market.

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I’d go translucent. Before it was legal I was growing with window light but you could see my plants from the security desk!

I got some privacy film and it worked out well. You can’t even tell I put up film.

I live in an apartment and I like to look up from the ground and go, that’s weed, that’s weed, that’s weed, that’s a privacy fence so it must be weed.

I don’t know the penalties where you are or if your neighbours would narc you out. You could build a ghetto greenhouse out of 2x2s and some translucent poly and a staple gun.

There are some freak strains that don’t look like weed. If you’ve got a good window you could film it up and do autos.

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Key concern here… government only gets offended because they didn’t get any tax off it.
Maybe I’m just paranoid. I’ve got some ABC seeds I wish I started earlier this season. Might throw a 60 day auto out. Always next year.


Surprised those didn’t shoot for the moon. Saw a buddies plant that had as many buds as yours but was like 25ft tall. :grin:

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I always wondered about that. I grew a fruity pebbles kush once where indirect sunlight was recommended. I grew it in full sun and it turned out fine

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They’re still cute little plants. I’d put autos in my windowsill and front step if it were legal here.