Out Of The Box....What say you?

Hey guys,

I just thought I would ask what some of you might do, that’s considered outside the box, for growing Herb?

I am very interested in things some others would call “Crazy” or “Fake Science”… I have already grown with music playing (Heavy Metal), and did see a little better growth, but no way to prove it, other than how happy they were. That is what led me to looking at plant music, with beneficial frequencies like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zVBPU22Bl0 or this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nwdpqIuzBs

I also have an interest in Fractal/Structured water. :grimacing:

I am interested in anything of this nature, and would like to hear about yours ideas…

I already know there is probably be some ridiculing going on, so if you want to partake, please just keep it civil…Thanks guys.




Think Ya Should of went with the other end of spectrum with piano classics! Maybe some “ Barry White” lol or maybe some sexy saxophone!


Moshing plants are happy plants! :sunglasses:


If growing ever becomes legal around here I’ll do a test run. No music vs. classical music vs. Slayer 24/7 :laughing:


I think, when you get around to doing scientific tests, you’ll find it’s more the exhaling of co2 during singing over the actual sound, that is beneficial to plants.


Metal, already proved to be the best…According to Myth Busters…The beat being fast, stimulated them more, perhaps…

Good thing I have a decent Metal collection…Haha


Like these guys are saying? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzP9qTNrRqw @1:10 Like I said, I have an open mind…That does sound plausible, but does one person exhale enough to make a difference?




As funny and as weird looking as it may be I thought that on My days off chilling with my girls I’d put a small tube attached to the canopy and puff in the other end of it several times an hour! :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


I’ll vape or blow some herb smoke on there a couple times a day… Just always kinda do it… Couldn’t say if it helps


Might be a bit of an IPM strategy as well if bugs know there’s fire around maybe they’ll get the he’ll out of DODGE!


We’ll we’ve got evidence that plants can smell the methyl jasmonates produced by fresh cut grass, or caterpillars munching their leaves, and respond by setting up defences against herbivory. So it doesn’t seem too ridiculous to believe they can hear as well.

The fractal water on the other hand is much harder for me to come to terms with. Water molecules are constantly moving and flowing, whether they’re in a river or a still glass of water, and I can’t seem to get past the first mental hurdle of water achieving some sort of set pattern – nevermind the second hurdle of the water holding some beneficial properties while in that state.


A book to read out there is called “ What a plant knows” a lot of studies done back in the early 40-50’s IIRCC how plants respond to different things ( stimuli ) worth a read!


Red Cherry Berry threatened to herm on me from Rick James overexposure.




The earths resonance is supposed to be the best, 7.83 hrtz although it shifts up and down occasionally.

Baroque chamber music is harmonized with this 7.83 hrtz resonance, and will make your plants happy, but not necessarily grow faster.

Your desire for faster growing plants, may not equal happiness for the plant lol.

You should to look up Masaru Emoto. A Japanese scientist who discovered water will hold, memory and emotions. It also can be re programmed with thought/meditation/prayer. He has a book with before and after images of the water crystals when frozen.

All things are made of energy at a subatomic level, and have an energy field, your thoughts and emotions will affect that energy around you, and everything made up from it.

If you walk into a room after a bad argument, you will sense their is something wrong, even without knowing there was an argument.

I am what is called an empath, I pick up, emotions, pain and thoughts of people and animals. Its difficult to go out sometimes or be near very negative people. If I go into a museum, I start to get overloaded, and usually develop a headache or feel sick. I also sense and see peoples energy fields, when I alter my state of consciousness.

If you want to know what an energy field looks like, google kirlian photography and then select images.


Including your plants… I’ve talked about this before and a couple other people have pointed it out as well…

People would be surprised to see the difference in how plants grow when people are happy vs how they grow when they’re sad…

The old saying, cluttered minds make cluttered houses comes to mind


There is a simple test you can do, if you want to check. Boil up some rice and separate into 3 containers with surround wrap on the top and label good, bad, and neutral.

Every day take the bad one out and give it hell for a minute. Tell it you hate it, its the worst rice you have ever seen, its a disgusting piece of crap, and mean it, get those emotions strong, imagine you are saying it to trump.lol. Then put it back. Calm down.

Then take out the good and tell it you love it its the best rice you have ever seen, its got the perfect shape and size. Really compliment it and mean it.

The neutral one is your control, just ignore it although some say being ignored is almost as bad as being hated.

After a week you should start to see a difference between all three. The bad one will start to get mouldy much faster than the others.


But one could argue that you’re helping the mould (a living thing) grow by doing that, rather than hurting the rice (an inert object). Just sayin… :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Diggy,

Here’s something I found regarding Structured Water :

Here’s the full Doc on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDW9Lqj8hmc



Here’s some info for both sides of the argument :slight_smile:


Hahaha! And 20 characters