Indoor or Outdoor?

I think some of the best all round smoke I have had has been grown outside. I think there is exceptional smoke grown indoors as well. I think indoor smoke is usually on average probably more tasty on average though. I think it has better bag appeal as well but I’m no expert. Wondering what you all think


I think it would depend on where you live , but in genmeral your in control of the environment indoors and not so much outdoors.


Not from experience, but I would suspect a highly controlled greenhouse would be best. Full spectrum from the sun, while controlling all the other variables and mitigating pests and mold.


I agree. I think that would be the absolute best

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I would say science suggests if you could make an “ideal” environment it would have to be contained in order to be controlled. That would imply both that we are technically able to (yeah I think we do) and if we are able to technically; do we know what “ideal” is (I think we never will, lol).


smoking the same strains done inside and outside this season

I cannot tell the difference

inside are harder maybe, stone is the same

taste the same

but caveat I smoke like a train



No way! The best is indoor for sure! Optimal conditions! Well they can be. Out door is great also and more natural but comes with bugs, mold, animals eating your plants, bird poop… I love both but bud gets way nicer inside. I think… why, what you find?


In my short experience I grew two Early Skunk, one inside and the other out and had bigger buds and quality vape outside. Later on I had some bugs outdoors and after washing the buds with lemon and baking soda I saw the remnant water full of nasty things :nauseated_face: that stick in the resins and inside the buds. Since then, I just grow indoors, don’t want to vape those … :sweat_smile:


A greenhouse with all the bells and whistles and the right operator would be ideal for quality control next in ln line would be outdoor big bags and the right genetics . A tent will grow great weed if you stay on top of things any grow type can be great if done right . For my own stash my outdoor is my choice a few bugs popping will add protein lol .


I’ve grown both, more out than in though. I think outdoor can be great if you live in a place that agrees with the plants, but overall indoors usually wins. The plants will likely be bigger as a whole if grown outside, but the buds will almost always look way better grown indoors. Potency seems almost the same either way.


I grew both…indoors are great and bug free…outdoors you have to contend with the small ass bugs sticking on the trichs…high is about the same.

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My favorite smoke has always been outdoor. I think it outperforms most indoor grows. Just wanting to here some different opinions on this.

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I have always preferred indoor personally. I find you can produce better when you are in control of the environment. But that’s just me, had plenty of fantastic outdoor bud.

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Man some of the best smoke I have had was some light green brick and some real dark stuff too. It was all grown under the sun.

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I love growing outdoors were you can let the plants do there thing . Tents are great for starting plants but limit your harvest you go from grams to pounds when you move outdoors . Green Houses are becoming state of the art but run the cost up and if you have an infestation you blow it all over your grow with all the fans lol .

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