Instead of smoking weed or taking LSD, in the future we could just put on a helmet to get the same effect

I would have to agree.
I feel i smoke weed for more than the high, I enjoy the break up and smell part almost as much.
It is like a little reward, a bit like eating a slice of pie…LOL


Hey man quit bogarting the hat.


There was a computer software that claimed to be able to do this with headphones. I got a warez copy and each file was a different drug. So I loaded opium and listened to some noise didn’t work, tried another drug file, more noise didn’t work. I don’t know what I was expecting but if I paid for it I would have been mad.


I have a piece of paper that when you stare at it it gets you high on every drug there is. Ask me how much it costs.

that explains it. it was probably an anti-tamper part of the software that didn’t copy right unless you put the key in when using it the first time.


When someone let’s me wear their helmet I’m going to tell them they harvested too early and didn’t let it cure properly.


If something makes you bad at math it goes to stand that a society based on math has no use for people who use that substance.

People are dumb enough as it is. You didn’t notice Chat gpt is writing most kids school papers and choosing all the cannabis breeders parents for them? The popularity of indica the advent of pocket computers and their destruction of western society definitely don’t relate to each other.

Or Kanye was wrong, black people run the world.

Most indica smokers can’t form a sentence on their own yet you don’t get why drugs are regulated in top shelf societies.

What if I keep my indica in my pocket. Do you find that similarly distasteful?


Can’t wait to try the helmet on acid;)

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You should check out my benzodiazepine codpiece.


If it makes you bad at maths, but good at art, and you already have a society full of mathematicians, but no artists. Then surely it is absolutely necessary that at least one person takes that substance.

Kanye is usually wrong.

I’ve known people who take heroin hold down busy, complex and fast paced jobs. So yeh, I’m sure someone can smoke a doob and be just fine :smile:



They did the helmet thing in demolition man w / stalone and sandra bullock…if i remember correctly it didnt work out to good for him…i think ill thick with the tried and true old fashioned way

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