Instead of smoking weed or taking LSD, in the future we could just put on a helmet to get the same effect

Open to discussion…
To get to the weed part about 8 min in


The streets asked this very question in this song, and its a thought that’s stuck with me for many years since hearing it.

“One day they’re gonna make electrical implants for the brain.
That simulate raving sensations, Wayne.
Imagine the dilemma for the man and his penance,
If he could get fucked without hanging his health up?
Would this be illegal? (No, no, no)
Would the Daily Mail rail on it?
Is this evil to need to escape these capers?”

It’s a great question to ponder :thinking:



They make some good points… :exploding_head:

I wonder?
If not would there be a charge to wear the helmet?
Could the same thing be accomplished without a helmet?


Its interesting isn’t it, when you start to really dig into it and break it all down.
The reasons why certain drugs are illegal (or rather the reasons they give us).

If there were no possible health dangers involved, and a ‘high’ or ‘trip’ could be achieved via, say, electronic stimulus. Would it still be illegal to feel and experience that?
And what justification could someone give for saying it should be illegal?

Laws govern the physical world, you can’t police someone’s mind.



I would think, of all people, you’d be a little paranoid about the possibilities of putting on a helmet that could control your mind. :stuck_out_tongue: Even if it’s to make you feel good…


You make a good point, it could be used for the wrong reasons.
Now I have to go see what that show is about… :thinking:

Is this tech generally accepted as real or is this speculation.
Seems to be real, but I would love to hear what others think.
Is this real right now?
Or it it just a projection of what the future holds like that show.


The pot cast had Ed Rosenthal. He said brewing nutrients and phenomes could be converted to get high and smoking will not be needed. Smoking will always be around for many. Basic pleasures.


Wasn’t something like this in the first matrix? Neo was selling some kind of drug on a disk.

Lol…Elon musk gonna get people fuhked up with that neuralink tech…lol


The brain is full of chemicals, I would assume the helmet would do nothing more than stimulate certain combinations of chemicals to achieve an desired effect. The meditation community has among its ranks those who say they can release these chemicals and achieve states of bliss they claim is better than any drug. Is all that true, I have no fkn clue, but it’s cool to ponder pon.


Where can I acquire seeds for such a helmet?


Like when I’m about to fall asleep but get that feeling like I’m falling and wake up with a racing heart and adrenaline pumping…lol


Sadhguru speaks of meditating to obtain the high from smoking mj, as he claims it is just chemicals( in the brain). With practice he claims he could help guide someone there.


Anybody ever float around in one of those isolation tanks? That’s a trip and a half.

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Sadly, they cancelled it after season 1… it was building slowly, but seemed like it had some potential. Season 2 was already in progress when they cancelled it and they couldn’t break the contract though, so Joss Whedon tried to tell the story he’d meant to tell in 5 seasons with 6 episodes left and failed miserably, leaving it a bit of a mess. :frowning: Firefly 2.0, if you will. Would be interesting to see Disney try to reboot this one as a family-friendly show now that Whedon’s been me-too’d. :roll_eyes:

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My buddy wants me to do that, what was it like?

I wonder if the helmet works like a porno?
You know… hands-free masturbation.
Boy, that would really be a mind F##k. :rofl:

Forgive me ladies if you find that offensive I can delete it…or just flag it and it gets hidden.
I don’t mean to be rude, but every man is wondering… :yum:

This is a great point…
Would you trust this sorta thing messin’ with your head?
I will stick to smokin weed for now at least…LOL
This is probably more for the young folks than dinosaurs like me. :grin:

On TV/movies you always see the little things that go on your temples, maybe the helmet is already outdated. :thinking:

I instantly though of this of film.
Anyone seen it?

Lol, sorry to go off the tracks @shag.


I had not, but think I will, thanks.

No worries buddy, I found it interesting, it may not be exactly on, the exact same topic, but close enough for the girls I go with… :wink:

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A good older flick. Silly acting and all.

And it’s “good enough for the girls I date!” In these parts. :joy:

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Where is the fun in that? Put a hat on your head and be high?? WTF???

Where are the terps? Flavors? How is this medicine? The ritualistic actions of getting high? Picking out a juicy bud, grinding it up and then rolling one up or packing your favorite bowl. People keep looking at the destination as the goal, when the goal is the journey. Destination is just a place to catch your breath, collect your thoughts and ponder “What’s next”.

Let me guess we will sit in circles and pass the hat around or better yet musical hats. We all march around in circles and when the music quits all but one gets a hit. The one who doesn’t is out of the game. Don’t know about you but I’ve seen some fights over a chair, can’t imagine what a lost buzz will lead to.

Oh well these youngsters keep thinking up stuff I have no desire to indulge in.


You don’t need a helmet, meditation or self hypnosis can give very similar effects to actually using weed, it’s not as powerful as actually doing it from my experience, but maybe I didn’t practice long enough to achieve bigger highs, as it’s easier to just fire up a joint.

As a hypnotherapist I have induced in people, pain removal, numbness on the skin surface, cigarette, certain food types, alcohol, emotional problems and phobia cessation as well as unblocking repressed memories.

Our minds can replicate any experience we have had, in some cases with repressed memories and experiences of trauma clients have abbreacted and recreated the same pain and bruises they originally had experienced again. Usually though you give suggestions that they will not physically re experience them, only see and understand it as if it’s on a TV screen, but sometimes the repressed memories of trauma are so powerful they override the suggestions.

You have to re create your weed intake experience visually and emotionally in your mind from start to finish. Getting your weed out of your container, feel the container in your hand, hear it open, smell the weed as you open it, and so on until you fire it up and inhale, feel all these different nuances to make it as real as possible so your mind creates the response.

You unconscious mind can not tell the difference between reality and imagination if you imagine something very thoroughly. When you do something out of habit or on auto pilot you miss all the sounds tastes and feelings of actually being 100% focused on an experience you are having.

Try it out, find a comfortable spot, close your eyes and look up to the top of your head, and focus on your breathing, don’t adjust it just become aware of it, you will get into alpha brain wave very quickly. After 5 minutes re create rolling and smoking a joint. If you can remember the first time you smoked in detail use that memory’s feelings and emotions as you do it, the first time is usually a very powerful experience, the stronger an emotion is the deeper it gets impressed into the unconscious mind.