Introduce yourself @OG Vol. 1

where to start

my username is oldpink and has been on just about every site I am registered to

started smoking hash when I was not much older than 15 as in the Uk there wasn’t much else to smoke

20 years ago weed started appearing and I liked it and wanted more so a friend that grew gave me some equipment and clones the rest is history

in 1999 I set up my first grow and set foot down a path that I never expected
I was already very internet savvy as I was into downloading games and software and selling it on and and also experimenting with coding basic sites and active in the usernet groups as I had access to servers and could set up drop sites

a week into my first grow I started to have issues so I turned to the internet for info on hydroponics about the 3rd hit I got was a small forum called Overgrow
I quickly found info that helped solve my issue (Mg deficiency) and signed up

within a month I’d been made a mentor and by 2001 I was asked to be a Mod by ~S~
dates after that are a bit blurry as I was up to my neck it a lot of growing and going to Amsterdam

then the ~S~ v RC shit hit the fan
I ended up being Admin on OG that was Ok till RC vanished for months and the mods ran the site

RC came back then POM entered the picture when I was working for RC and Gypsy on IC
shit got messy
court cases ensued threats were made about ownership of OG
people tried to profit from the popularity of both sites and the value of them

during all the turmoil and so called dope opera’s shit got real and RC got took out and OG went down
then IC was in the middle of a court case over ownership thats well documented on other sites

after that was all over I worked on IC mag as Admin and on the seed sites that Gypsy ran and took them over when he got arrested in the PI on a US warrant which is still ongoing though only on appeal as the US lost the initial case in the Uk

if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask


Thanks for choosing OG as your home, show us pics!!!



That was a good tale of the old OG, thanks for sharing that, and welcome back home.



Sounds like you have a good start. Welcome and good luck!


Welcome @oldpink


6 posts were split to a new topic: Nextlight veg 8 in my new vivosun 4"x2"x5"

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to upload photos to Overgrow (from phone, tablet or desktop)

Hello all I’v been a member since late of November of '16 , and stumbled upon OG shortly after starting my first few plants in my basement back then. I have been in Colorado for about 11 years now and live in the Fort Collins area , why not its legal right? Wanting to get in the game of growing I started out with a cheap set of LEDS which I guess people are calling them Blurple lights ,after my first harvest I realized that those lights were fairly decent for veggie only, and not great for thick heavy buds when it comes to flowering( I have some nice looking outdoor plants currently) . I sample from time to time but I’m not a regular smoker! I’v come to realized I’v enjoyed growing this lovely plant just for the sure enjoyment , beauty and the awesome scent it leaves. I guess I started growing to help the wife with her neuropathy pain in her feet so I see myself making creams and ointments for her cause in the near future and maybe an occasional batch of cookies or brownies (haha) I consider myself an all organic guy, by mixing my own soiless mixes. I’v been making my own compost now for a better part of 5-7 years and Vermicomposting for the last 3-4 years pretty seriously and a little bokashi composting here and there. I have made some pretty darn good soil lately in my opinion, been dabbling in KNF and hope to go further with that style of growing, I follow people like Elaine Ingham of the SoilFoodWeb, and Jeff Lowenfels and employ their teachings in building the healthiest soil possible , I recently purchase a nice microscope to help in verifying soil microbiology and hope to learn more in that area I’v learned so much hanging out on OG and want to thank all those that contribute to this GREAT website!


You’ve been here a while and never gave an introduction quite like this… Love it man!



Your to kind thanks for your thoughtful words!


I remember the user name. howdy

1 Like

A “Big Hello” from upstate NY. I’m born and raised in a small, dairy farming community in the beautiful foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. Throughout the 60s and 70s we were one of the top counties in the state for illegal marijuana cultivation, due to all of the rural farmland and cornfields. I’m a “dyed in the wool” outdoor grower, with a few years under my belt. I’ll be turning 60 years old soon and I started my first seeds fairly young. lol My plants are only inside long enough to get em sexed out and that’s about it for me. I only grow out a couple plants once a year and stick with a few varieties that I know will do well with our short growing seasons. I can still remember OG from many years back, but was never a registered member. It’s great to see it up and going again and I look forward to meeting more of you in the future. :evergreen_tree:


Welcome to OG @adkfoothills, nice to have you. Shows us pictures of your grow!


As soon as I get out there to get one, it shall be done, my friend. ( “Agent Orange” this year) :evergreen_tree:


Welcome @adkfoothills! :relaxed:


4 posts were split to a new topic: Growing Under 12/12 Light Cycle

I have been closet growing most of my adult life. My first experiences were guerrilla growing as a teen. (is there any other way when you still live with your parents) My success was varied but mainly everything sucked. As I grew and so did the hobby, better books came out so things started improving. Like understanding light period and the differences between sativa and Indica became known. Exciting times. I had recently moved to the PNW where I met a guy who had some amazing smoke. I would pester him every time i saw him and was always giving him money as he was my only contact with the herb. He was slow but the weed was so amazing. After awhile of this chase game i grew tired of waiting for my weed when the proverbial black light went off over my head. Dude it takes you so long to get my weed I could have grew my own! From that point it was on.

The next day me and Grandma JO (mother in law) were in the car driving down to the grow shop to buy me a light It was a sun systems 2 unit with the timer mounted right to the ballast. and i had done my reading I wanted a 430 not a 400 for the extra blue. I look back fondly, such big plans with such a light I"ll have garbage bags full of weed. That is what i was thinking. I had just built a workshop in my backyard and had finished installing the wiring 208/60 A Plenty to run some tools. The first thing in there was a 430 W light and two office fans. I thought i was the shit. Argo430 was my handle ( didn’t get that right from the start should have been agro but i kept it) a light and two fans was my signature. I believe it was Overgrow then if my memory serves me right. I realized quickly that no matter how many times i had read Ed or George i didn’t know shit. Here was this amazing place with information new methods the exchange of ideas a community. I was instantly hooked.

I built a proper two stage closet learned about fans and humidity and keeping the flower chamber fed. I learned about mites and smells and neighbors, I made friends. I started my search for the “best” (i am still looking). I learned about the trials of ordering seeds in the mail trading clones with friends. I have been after it ever since. The last few years i had been a holder on to boards that kept changing owners and names I felt alone. A guy i knew threw me a couple of crumbs and i found some lost faces. Then another old friend threw me the life line to here. I am grateful to be here.

About me I am a true lover of a good doobie . I’ve recently gotten into Rosin and pressing my buds but i love a good bubble hash or just dry skim off my rolling tray.

My Grow is always changing as this is my hobby and not my business. I tend to make things hard on myself by unnecessarily changing stuff constantly. I have grown in soil and in hydro and in coco and in slabs cube loose fill on rafts vertically etc etc. Because of this my tag line is terminal intermediate my avatar is a little green tractor meaning I love to farm.


the story is good,and i would like information about 12-12 you have done it.So you can tell me what to take care the most important thing,and easy easy we will i mean i will know what to do with your help and if i have something that can help you i will give you all the details.I am a pensioner seaman and all i want is to grow and enjoy the rest of my life


Hi everyone
I am a keen grower based in Scotland. I was a member back in the early noughties although I can’t remember my original user name. I joined uk420 when this site went down and it was a good site but
turned a bit sour with arrogant, condescending mods, trolling and threads tending to descend into slagging matches between members. So glad to see OG return and I look forward to being an active member again. Most of my learning in the beginning came from here.


Thanks for coming back, it´s nice to have you @mrsoft. How about some pics of your ops!?